A powerful and highly efficient network debugging tool for Roblox (and exploits)
Please don't use this on any commerical scripts, you'll most likely get yourself detected (lol)
This project is no longer maintained (and won't be until I finish some other stuff), if you'd like to make a pull request feel free to do so and I might accept it
Be sure to execute the HttpSpy before the target script!
AutoDecode = true, -- Automatically decodes JSON
Highlighting = true, -- Highlights the output
SaveLogs = true, -- Save logs to a text file
CLICommands = true, -- Allows you to input commands into the console
ShowResponse = true, -- Shows the request response
API = true, -- Enables the script API
BlockedURLs = {} -- Blocked urls
- Request Reconstructing
- Syntax Highlighting
- WebSocket support
- Lightweight
- Auto JSON Decoding
- Easy to use
- Script API
- Supported on multiple exploits (including S^X and SW)
HttpSpy:HookSynRequest(<string url>, <function hook>); -- hook is called with <<table> Response>
HttpSpy:BlockUrl(<string url>);
HttpSpy:WhitelistUrl(<string url>);
HttpSpy:ProxyHost(<string host>, <string proxy>);
HttpSpy:RemoveProxy(<string host>);
HttpSpy:UnHookSynRequest(<string url>);
HttpSpy.OnRequest<event>(<table request>);
local HttpSpy = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotDSF/HttpSpy/main/init.lua"))({
AutoDecode = true, -- Automatically decodes JSON
Highlighting = true, -- Highlights the output
SaveLogs = true, -- Save logs to a text file
CLICommands = true, -- Allows you to input commands into the console
ShowResponse = true, -- Shows the request response
API = true, -- Enables the script API
BlockedURLs = {} -- Blocked urls
warn("request made:", req.Url);
HttpSpy:HookSynRequest("https://httpbin.org/get", function(response)
response.Body = "hooked!";
return response;
print(syn.request({ Url = "https://httpbin.org/get" }).Body);
HttpSpy:ProxyHost("httpbin.org", "google.com");
print(syn.request({ Url = "https://httpbin.org/get" }).Body);