The Geoverse is a nod to the '90s Geo-cities. In a world over-saturated with social media, we've tried to bring a modern spin to an old classic, that focuses more on where we are, and our shared interests.
It utilises a range of npm packages to highlight the wide berth of skills in full stack development which have been learned, to bring a functional, and hosted full stack app. We have combined a MySQL and NoSQL approach to deliver a content sharing and user interaction service with direct messages, live wall posting (future development pending) and a collection of user made HTML pages to share and search for in Geoverse.
- Installation
- Usage
- User Story
- Demonstration
- Future Developments
- Screenshots
- Questions
- Contact
- Authors
- Acknowledgements
- Clone the GitHub repository to explore files locally. Run npm i --save for dependencies. (Note: Due to the use of Firebase, a unique key is need and would need to be set up with a personal key):
git clone
- For normal use of app - visit deployed application on Heroku.
Locally hosted on http://localhost:3001 as per configuration.
For normal usage - see deployed app.
- Search for pages (try "Liz" to find her car page).
- Visit Geos and Communites
- Message friends by sending a message to their @nickname.
- Change you account details or delete your account.
AS a User
I WANT TO locate communities with individuals that share my interests
SO I CAN share my own interests, meeting new people within a certain vicinity to me or around the world.
- Solving the case sensitivity of live-wall
- SendGrid email message system
- End-to-end testing of the application
- Error handling improvements
- UI polishing
- Robust admin tools
- AboutUs / Contact administrators
- User account admin tools
The Geoverse, a modern twist on a scaled back social platform
Login in securely
Signup accounts and choose your own nickname
Search for communities in active geo-locations
Find user sites in your favourite communities
See communities from different geo-verses!
Message new people, or your friends with inbuild direct messaging
Change your personal details, or delete your account
- Submit questions to developers - contact details below.
- Contact us with any questions on our emails:
- André Grech -
- Harish Narain -
- Atif Haque -
- © 2019 Trilogy Education Services, a 2U, Inc. brand. All Rights Reserved.