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Konrad Abicht edited this page Oct 23, 2015 · 8 revisions

Statistical data and the web

Since the amount of available statistical data in the web is increasing in the past years, user-friendly accessibility to such data is becoming equally important. There are also numerous statistical data sets published within the Data Portal by the European Commission. In dependence of the data format of these data sets (i.e. XLS, CSV), the containing data can be browsed by users with the help of different tools such as Google spreadsheet, Libre Office or MS Office. One of the upcoming data formats is the Resource Description Format (RDF) which is designed to represent data not on a document/text level but on a the level of information and facts. Furthermore RDF enables publishers to encode not only data items but also underlying semantics. In order to represent such semantics, domain-specific vocabularies can be re-used or - if not available - can be generated.

Data Cube vocabulary encodes statistics

The RDF DataCube vocabulary is one of the vocabularies used to encode statistics. There is an increasing amount of tools dealing with RDF in order to facilitate users to browse data sets encoded in this way. One of these tools is OntoWiki that facilitates users to browse RDF data in a generic way. CubeViz was developed based on OntoWiki with the scope of offering user-friendly exploration possibilities for statistical data represented in RDF with the RDF DataCube vocabulary.

What is CubeViz doing?

CubeViz represent the statistical data set to be visualized as a faceted based browsing component. This component enables the users to select interesting parts of the data set. As a result CubeViz processes a chart according to user's selection. The current version of CubeViz processes basic chart types - such as line, bar and pie chart, facilitating the exploration up to two statistical dimensions in a data structure.

Who is involved?

CubeViz is being developed by the following members of AKSW (Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web):

Further information about it can be found here. AKSW is hosted by the Chair of Business Information Systems (BIS) of the Institute of Computer Science (IfI) / University of Leipzig as well as the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI).