<----------------- ------------------technology- *React vite, *typescript, *react router dom, * react icons, *Redux and Redux RTK query *react rating, 2. design purpose : tailwind css and daisy ui. and equvilant technology.
@ Navbar: navbar has some nav item and site logo , navbar has dark mode and light mode button
Home page home page has some nested pages , banner, available bike name is featutes ,coupon page, rules, testimonial, video section, our services. if user click view details then need to permision of user. and redirect details page.
2.Register page: if user not Register yet him should take Register and login for access dashboard
Login page: need email and password for login
dashboard: dashboard is private need valid user for access dashboard
--------------dashboard has two type method ----------
---------User------------- ====> email: [email protected] and password : 123456
Profile : here user can see his profile 2.my rental page: and othes.. -----------Admin-------- ====> email : [email protected] and password: 123456
1.User management page 2. bike management page 3. return rental page 4.coupon management page
_--- admin can do all things like user management bike management coupon management and others things.