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Hostel Management System

Hostel Management System using MySQL, ReactJS and ExpressJS

Key FeaturesHow To UseDownload

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Key Features

  • Admin dashboard
    • Gives the control over what students see in the client website, adding and deleting room, managing hostel mess and salaries of the staffs in the hostel.
  • Student client website
    • Displays the room alloted to the student.
    • Allows the student to choose the roooms.
    • Allows the student to book the room when the portal is open.

How To Use

You will need to have the latest version of NodeJS installed, Express JS and a functional MySQL server running in the computer. Here are the instructions to run the application.

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd Hostel-Management-and-Booking

# Go into the server folder
$ cd server

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Go to the function that connects the Mysql server and change the password of MySQL server and username

# Open the terminal and connect to the MySQL server
$ mysql -u [username] -p
$ Enter your password: ***********

# Create a database with the name hostelmanagement
<mysql> CREATE DATABASE hostelmanagement;

# Copy the CREATE TABLE statements from the .sql file present in the server folder and paste it in the <mysql> terminal to create the tables

# After the tables have been created you can exit the terminal
<mysql> exit;

# Run the server
$ nodemon index

# or

$ node index.js

#Go into the client folder in the new terminal
$ cd client

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Run the app
$ npm start

# The above steps will deploy the admin dashboard in "http://localhost:3000"

# Go to student-server folder in the new terminal
$ cd student-server

# Install the dependencies
$ npm install

# Go to the function that connects the Mysql server and change the password of MySQL server and username

# Run the server
$ nodemon app


$node app.js

# Go to client-student folder in a new terminal
$ cd client-student

# Install the dependencies
$ npm install

# Run the app
$ npm start

# This will prompt you to use another port instead of 3000 since admin dashboard is already running in that port number, type 'y' in the terminal and hit enter

# This should deploy the student website in "http://localhost:3001"