Multiplayer Level Editor for Unreal Engine
- Gizmo to change location, rotation and scale (with snapping and transform space : world or local)
- Save and load all objects in save files, you can also load the save within Unreal Engine
- UI to see and set transform, change gizmo settings with buttons
- Host and join session to create together, objects are synced on connection
- Switch from editorPawn to another pawn whenever you want
- Left Click : select object, hold shift to select multiple, hold ctrl to deselect
- Right Click : hold it to move the camera, use WASD and QE to move
- Tab : deselect all objects
- Space : change transform mode (location, rotation, scale)
- Escape or P : open menu
- Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Ctrl + D, Alt + LeftClick : duplicate objects
- C : create cube
- R : round transform depending on snapping settings
- F : focus on selected object
- O : switch pawn
- T : change gizmo transform space (world or local)
Thanks to robinwood3d for his gizmo blueprints which you can find here : UnrealTransformGizmo