This is my portfolio website. It showcases my skills as software developer, experience that I have and the projects that I have worked on as a proof. Moreover, there is a button to download and get my resume. There are links to my social media platforms..
It is a mobile-first layout which is also fully responsive to different screens including desktops, laptops and mobiles. I created it's mobile view first, applied mobile-first approach and then also created the desktop version and made it responsive for all devices.
I have also implemented animations and transitions in this project collaboratively.
Implemented mobile menu button response using DOM manipulation, collaboratively with my coding partner.
- HTML and CSS.
Click this link and my website will b opened in a new tab Ahsan Ghazni Khan's Portfolio
This project is still under development.
👤 Ahsan Ghazni Khan
- GitHub: @Ahsan Ghazni Khan
- Facebook: @Ahsan Ghazni Khan
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