To get started, clone this repo and run
yarn or npm i
in your terminal at the project root. -
you have to have a .env file in the repo, it has to contain the following variables POSTGRES_HOST= POSTGRES_DB=todos_dev POSTGRES_TEST_DB=todos_test POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres NODE_ENV=dev
you have to create two databases with the value you set in POSTGRES_DB, POSTGRES_TEST_DB, this is an example for the SQL needed when connected to psql
CREATE USER username123 WITH PASSWORD 'password123'; CREATE DATABASE todos_dev; \c todos_dev GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE todos_dev TO username123; CREATE DATABASE todos_test; \c todos_test GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE todos_test TO username123;
- to run migrations up on dev environment run
npm run devdb-up
, to run migrations down it runnpm run devdb-reset
- to run migrations up on test environment run
npm run testdb-up
, to run migrations down it runnpm run testdb-reset
- to create a new migration run :db-migrate create todos --sql-file
this is given to the db-migrate to setup different databases (test/dev), for more info check : https://db-migrate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Getting%20Started/configuration/
-for the database, port is not specified so it will run on the selected port for postgres installation (default is 5432) -server is running on port 3000