Works with TS 5.x.x and above
npm i --save-dev effector-alt-api eslint-plugin-effector-alt-api
This package contains alternative types for Effector operators. (atm only sample available).
See examples and explanation: TS Playground
This package constains eslint plugin that transforms original operators to alternative and vice verse.
- Add
to the "plugins" array in your.eslintrc.*
file, and extend recommended config.
"extends": ["plugin:effector-alt-api/recommended"],
"parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
"plugins": ["effector-alt-api"]
- Enable code fixing on save in IDE. VSCode example.
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": "always"
To transform original operators to alternative and vice verse just add exclamation point to the end of the operator, then save the file and your code editor will have to transform the code.
clock: clock,
source: source,
target: target
// will transform to
({} as import('effector-alt-api').Sample)
.source(source, target);
({} as import('effector-alt-api').Sample)
.source(source, target)!;
// will transform to
clock: clock,
source: source,
target: target