This is a part of low-cost home-built surveillance system. The container uses ffmpeg to grab videoframe from RTSP camera stream and put it into a volume, which can be shared with analytic system. Designed to be used with one container instance per camera (=url).
Designed with Google Cloud Console (docker x86). Productoin use with Orange Pi + Armbian (docker armv7).
Sources are stored here, you can edit them locally if needed. Docker image is stored at .
docker push alexanderlifanov/rtsp_capture:latest
During launch you need to parametrize the following things.
WORKURL Shoud contain a FQDN link to RTSP stream, with login/password and flags, if needed. Please note, that for better stability - TCP transport is used.
Example: rtsp://admin:****@
CAMNAME Should contain a name of camera. Will be used as a part of the stillshot filename, so should comply to standart naming conventions.
Example: CAM1
Uses one volume for result storage, named /outdata inside container. Two pictures per cam are stored - last one and previous one. Can also be used for event image storage, so this folder has 777 permission.