Tiny library to allow use of tagging cache items from the Symfony2 cache component with the twig cache extension.
It has a SymfonyTaggedCacheStrategy
which accepts tags.
use Asm89\Twig\CacheExtension\Extension as CacheExtension;
use Amara\TwigCacheExtension\SymfonyTaggedCacheStrategy;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\NullAdapter;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\TagAwareAdapter;
$adapter = new TagAwareAdapter(new NullAdapter());
$cacheStrategy = new SymfonyTaggedCacheStrategy($adapter);
$cacheExtension = new CacheExtension($cacheStrategy);
We can now use the twig view cache with tagged values:
{% cache 'example-item' {lifetime: 900, tags: ['tag1', 'tag2']} %}
The content to cache
{% endcache %}
The Twig cache extension supports a PSR cache, but it does not support tagging. This library exists to avoid introducing a Symfony dependency into the Twig cache extension.