HardMode is a module heavily inspired by mod-challenge-modes. The purpose of this module is to develop extra functionality with a difference in code architecture. This makes it easier for me to develop on existing or expanding modes.
This module is still a WIP.
To add rewards, run mysql and use the world database.
Run the following command and take note of the hardmode_modes id: SELECT * FROM hardmode_modes;
Then with each reward you want to give, run the following command: INSERT INTO hardmode_rewards (mode, reward_level, reward_type, reward_id, reward_count, comment) VALUES (<hardmode_mode id>, <reward_type: 0 = item, 1 = title, 2 = spell>, <reward_id>, <reward_count>, 'this comment is not used in the game, so suggest to make it the name of the item, title, spell for future reference');
INSERT INTO hardmode_rewards (mode, reward_level, reward_type, reward_id, reward_count, comment) VALUES (4, 80, 0, 46708, 1, 'Deadly Gladiators Frost Wyrm');
INSERT INTO hardmode_rewards (mode, reward_level, reward_type, reward_id, reward_count, comment) VALUES (5, 80, 0, 46171, 1, 'Furious Gladiators Frost Wyrm');
INSERT INTO hardmode_rewards (mode, reward_level, reward_type, reward_id, reward_count, comment) VALUES (6, 80, 0, 47840, 1, 'Relentless Gladiators Frost Wyrm');
- Build your own HardModes using the restriction builder.
- Level based rewards for each mode you have created.
- Dynamic auras for each mode.
Head over to my HardMode editor to create your first mode: https://anchydev.github.io/HardMode/#mode-editor
Thanks to ZhengPeiRu21 for creating the original module which inspired this one.