Return your answers as a zip file. Do not fork this repo.
Implement a chat UI for mobile devices similar to e.g. Whatsapp or Facebook messenger. You only need to implement the frontend, as the backend is provided for you, along with an API client.
You should implement the following views and navigation between them:
- Chat list:
- List chats in which you are participating.
- Clicking an item in the chat list will take you to that chat's details view.
- Chat details view:
- List all messages in the chat. Messages may contain text and emoticons.
- Functionality to send a new chat message.
You should pay extra attention to the polish of the the UI, including animations and performance. You can find the specs in the interaction-prototype
and visual-specs
folders; the original specs are made with sketch and flinto, but exported files are made available as well.
You can find and use the graphical assets you need in the assets folder.
Technology constraints & considerations:
- Use React native.
- Use the provided API client. You can find installation instructions and documentation here:
- You may use additional libraries, but if you do explain why you did.
- Include instructions how to run the app. Include enough mock data for us to test your UI.