This project is designed quick and dirty to monitor multiple energy sources using the ESP32 microcontroller and 3 PZEM_004T Sensors and displays it on a simple web interface. Key features include:
- Solar Data Monitoring: Measures power, current, energy, frequency, voltage, and power factor from solar panels.
- Consumption Data Monitoring: Tracks power consumption, current, energy usage, frequency, voltage, and power factor of a house.
- Grid Data Monitoring: Monitors power, current, energy, frequency, voltage, and power factor from the power grid.
- WiFi Connectivity: Connects to a WiFi network to provide real-time data access via a web server.
- EmonCMS: Sends Data to a local EmonCMS server hosted on a Respberry PI
- Web Interface: Displays collected data on a simple web page.
- Reboot Functionality: Includes a reboot button on the web interface to restart the ESP32 remotely.
- Runtime Display: Shows the system's runtime in days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
- Signal Strength: Displays the WiFi signal strength (RSSI) on the web interface.
The 3 PZEM_004T Sensors and the clamp meters
EmonCMS Dashboard
This project is ideal for monitoring energy usage from the power grid, the solar panels and the consumption of a house.