This is an unfinished project. Its implementation is very rough, and subsequent modifications will be updated from time to time.
here is my homepage,there are more detail.(The language of this website is Chinese)
document version: 0.1 2022-6-20
Phoenix is a developing, module based and event driven high-performance lightweight web server. Its kernel is a highly modular event processing framework based on reactor mode. The IO reuse of reactor ensures its efficiency, while modularity ensures its flexibility. Of course, Phoenix includes http modules, which support get and post methods, url parameter transfer, and storage of x-form data in request entities. In addition, phoenix also includes a simple MySQL module,which can complete some basic businesses.
There is a demo, which is a private gallery built on Vue. All back-end functions are provided by Phoenix
And here is my homepage,there are more detail.(The language of this website is Chinese)
Switch to the build/ and execute
cmake .
The compiled program can then be found in the bin/
//define a function
void print_hello(px_mysql_connect* msconn, px_http_request* req, px_http_response_data* res) {
(*res)("success! ", px_http_response_type::TEXT);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
px_http_server serv;
px_http_module* interface_module = serv.interface_module;
//Define your own code here
px_http_module* test_module = serv.create_module("test");
test_module->add_interface("print", print_hello, "get");
//add the modutle to top module
Running results
After the program is started, enter ip: port number (55398 by default) /test/print in the browser to get the following results:
px_http_server encapsulates the original module and provides a simple way to create a module
/*As above, you need to define a method first
* msconn is database connection
* req is parsed request
* res is the content returned to browser
void print_hello(px_mysql_connect* msconn, px_http_request* req, px_http_response_data* res) {
(*res)("success! ", px_http_response_type::TEXT);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
px_http_module* interface_module = serv.interface_module;
//create a module
px_http_module* test_module = serv.create_module("test");
//add the function to module
test_module->add_interface("print", print_hello, "get");
//add the modutle to top module
//We can directly add print to the top-level interface module
interface_module->add_interface("print2", print_hello, "get");
It can be developed directly based on the raw module. The following code has the same effect as the code for creating the interface "print2" above, but it is more complex.
/*As above, you need to define a method first
* msconn is database connection
* req is parsed request
* res is the content returned to browser
void print_hello(px_mysql_connect* msconn, px_http_request* req, px_http_response_data* res) {
(*res)("success! ", px_http_response_type::TEXT);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
px_http_module* interface_module = serv.interface_module;
//create a module
m_response_config* config = new m_response_config;
config->func = print_hello;
config->method = "get";
px_module* http_test_process = new px_module;
http_test_process->top_level = false;
http_test_process->m_type = pxmodule_type::PROCESS;
http_test_process->callback_func = http_response_json_func;//http_response_json_funcis a well-defined method,it does a lot of work......Its name is a bit strange. In fact, it returns more than JSON format data
//we set callback_func to http_response_json_func,which help us do some operations related to HTTP messages, and http_response_json_func whill call print_hello by config
http_test_process->priority = 0;
http_test_process->config = (void*)config;
interface_module->mod->add_dispath("print2", http_test_process);
Running results
//First, we need to create an entity to hold each record
struct entity_image {
string id;
string name;
string path;
string create_time;
string update_time;
//Each entity must contain a parse function, which must be defined as void parse(const MYSQL_ROW& row){...}
void parse(const MYSQL_ROW& row) {
id = row[0];
name = row[1];
path = row[2];
create_time = row[3];
update_time = row[4];
void somefunction(px_mysql_connect* msconn, px_http_request* req, px_http_response_data* res) {
char buffer[128];//storage sql
strcpy(buffer, "SELECT * FROM px_images WHERE name not like 'xxx';");//sql
sqlres<entity_image_tojson> queryres;//storage query result
msconn->execute_sql(buffer, queryres);//begin query,execute_sql has an overloaded function,which contains only one parameter(buffer),the function is used to handle SQL operations that do not return a value, such as insert,update,delete etc.
(*res)(restojson(queryres), px_http_response_type::JSON);
for(auto &t:queryres.list){
cout<<<<" "<<t.path<<endl;
we use webbench-1.5 for pressure test. The test codes and results are as follows:
- Get a picture
webbench -c 5000 -t 60
Running results
(there is a negative value at bytes/sec, which is obviously an overflow)
- Get a web page
webbench -c 5000 -t 60
Running results
- database query
webbench -c 5000 -t 60
Running results