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Christian R edited this page Jul 18, 2023 · 77 revisions

You can find the diagrams in the repository visual-paradigm-diagrams.

Abstract architecture

Abstract Architecture

The diagram shows the abstract architecture as a component diagram. The abstract architecture contains the components and which component uses other ones.

Some notes regarding the REST API and SUMO components: The REST API component handles and validates incoming requests from users or the dashboard. SUMO is our framework for traffic simulation.

Interaction of components

The interaction between components will be modeled as sequence diagrams.

Start run

The following sequence diagram shows the setup of the simulation. The setup contains loading the configurations and initializing the components. Afterward, it starts the simulation in a new process inside of the celery worker. This process is shown in the second diagram.

PUT _run

Celery Worker Process

Stop run

DELETE _run__id

Get progress of run

GET _run__id

Component interfaces

The component interfaces will be modeled as component diagram. An Interface is a well-defined class to use.


Concrete architecture

The concrete architecture will be modeled as class diagram. Everybody is responsible to update their interface-classes with mermaid.


The Implementor component contains the functions to execute the requested action. It initializes the Components for the Simulation and works with the Communicator to start the simulation. This will only be used internally by the same developer and that's why not be documented.


It calls the DataScience module after the completion of the simulation.

  class ICommunicator {
    +progress: float
    +sumo_running: bool
    -configuration: String
    -current_tick: int
    -max_tick: int

    +ICommunictor(components: List[IComponent], max_tick: int, sumo_port: int, sumo_configuration: String)

To show the progress of a run, the state or to stop a run, please use the following class methods:

  • Communicator.progress(process_id: str)
  • Communicator.stateprocess_id: str)
  • Communicator.stop(process_id: str)


Evaluates the logged data and calculates data. This will only be used internally by the same developer and that's why not be documented.


Writes logs to the database.

  class ILogCreator {
    +run_id: UUID

    +spawn_train(tick: int, train_id: str)
    +remove_train(tick: int, train_id: str)
    +arrival_train(tick: int, train_id: str, station_id: str)
    +departure_train(tick: int , train_id: str, station_id: str)
    +create_fahrstrasse(tick: int, fahrstrasse: str)
    +remove_fahrstrasse(tick: int, fahrstrasse: str)
    +set_signal(tick: int, signal_id: UUID, state_before: int, state_after: int)
    +train_enter_block_section(tick: int, train_id: str, block_section_id: str, block_section_length: str)
    +train_leave_block_section(tick: int, train_id: str, block_section_id: str, block_section_length: str)
    +inject_platform_blocked_fault(tick: int, platform_blocked_fault_configuration: UUID, affected_element: str)
    +inject_track_blocked_fault(tick: int, track_blocked_fault_configuration: UUID, affected_element: str) 
    +inject_track_speed_limit_fault(tick: int, track_speed_limit_fault_configuration: UUID, affected_element: str, value_before: str, value_after: str)
    +inject_schedule_blocked_fault(tick: int, train_cancelled_fault_configuration: UUID, affected_element: str)
    +inject_train_prio_fault(tick: int, train_prio_fault_configuration: UUID, affected_element: str, value_before: str, value_after: str) 
    +inject_train_speed_fault(tick: int, train_speed_fault_configuration: UUID, affected_element: str, value_before: str, value_after: str)
    +resolve_platform_blocked_fault(tick: int, platform_blocked_fault_configuration: UUID)
    +resolve_track_blocked_fault(tick: int, track_blocked_fault_configuration: UUID)
    +resolve_track_speed_limit_fault(tick: int, track_speed_limit_fault_configuration: UUID)
    +resolve_train_cancelled_fault(tick: int, train_cancelled_fault_configuration: UUID)
    +resolve_train_prio_fault(tick: int, train_prio_fault_configuration: UUID)
    +resolve_train_speed_fault(tick: int, train_speed_fault_configuration: UUID)
    +remove_fault(tick: int, injection_id: int)

  class ILogCollector {
    -get_departures_of_train(run_id, train_id)
    -get_arrivals_of_train(run_id, train_id)
    +get_departures_arrivals_of_train(run_id, train_id)
    +get_block_section_times_of_train(run_id, train_id)


Inject faults into the Spawner or Interlocking to test the robustness of the simulation.


  class FaultInjector {
    +faults: list[Fault]



Spawns trains and people defined by a schedule, parameters or data from outside.

  class Spawner {
    +configuration: SpawnerConfiguration
    +train_spawner: TrainBuilder
    +next_tick(tick: int)
    +get_schedule(schedule_id: str): Schedule
  class ISpawnerDisruptor {
    +block_schedule(schedule_id: int)
    +unblock_schedule(schedule_id: int)
  Spawner ..> ISpawnerDisruptor: implements


    IInterlockingDisruptor --> Route_Controller
    class IInterlockingDisruptor {
        + insert_track_blocked(track: Track)
        + insert_track_unblocked(track: Track)
        + insert_platform_blocked(platform: Platform)
        + insert_platform_unblocked(platform: Platform)
        + insert_track_speed_limit_changed(track: Track)
        + insert_train_max_speed_changed(train: Train)
        + insert_train_priority_changed(train: Train)
    class Route_Controller{
        + set_spawn_route(start_track: Track, end_track: Track) -> str
        + update_fahrstrasse(train: Train, track: Track)
        + maybe_update_fahrstrasse(train: Train, track: Track)


Provides utility-functions to update objects in the simulation.

    ISimulationObject <|-- ISimulationTrain
    ISimulationObject <|-- ISimulationNode
    ISimulationNode <|-- ISimulationSignal
    ISimulationNode <|-- ISimulationSwitch
    ISimulationObject <|-- ISimulationTrack
    ISimulationObject <|-- ISimulationPlatform

    class ISimulationObject {
        +identifier: str
        +updater: ISimulationObjectUpdater
        +update(updates: dict)
        +add_subscription() -> int
        +from_simulation(simulation_object, updater: ISimulationObjectUpdater) -> ISimulationObject

    class ISimulationTrain {
        +current_track: ISimulationTrack
        +priority: int
        +position: tuple[float, float]
        +speed: float
        +max_speed: float
        +route: String
        +timetable: ITimetable
        +current_platform: IPlatform
        +new(train_type: String, platform: ISimulationPlatform, timetable: ITimetable)

    class ISimulationSignal {
        +state: Enum[Halt, Go]

    class ISimulationNode {
        +position: tuple[float, float]

    class ISimulationSwitch {
        +state: Enum[Left, Right]

    class ISimulationTrack {
        +blocked: bool
        +speed_limit: float

    class ISimulationPlatform {
        +edge: ISimulationEdge
        +platform_id: String
        +blocked: bool

    class IInfrastructureProvider {
        -simulation: SimulationComponent
        +turn_point(yaramo_point: String, target_orientation: String)
        +set_signal_state(yaramo_signal: String, target_state: String)
        +tds_count_in_callback(callback: Callable)
        +tds_count_out_callback(callback: Callable)


    class ISimulationObjectsUpdater {
        objects: List[ISimulationObject]
        trains: List[ISimulationTrain]
        signals: List[ISimulationSignal]
        switches: List[ISimulationSwitch]
        tracks: List[ISimulationTrack]
        platforms: List[ISimulationPlatform]
        +nextTick(tick: int)


It provides functionality to spawn trains in the simulation.

    class ITrainBuilder {
        +spawn_train(identifier: str, timetable: List[str], train_type: str) -> bool

Database Class Diagram

The following diagram show the database schema.

The classes Track and Platform are not part of the database. You can find the corresponding ids of the platform in an app configuration file and ids of the tracks in the SUMO-XML.

Please keep in mind that m:n relations are implemented as reference table.

    FaultConfiguration <|-- PlatformBlockedFaultConfiguration
    FaultConfiguration <|-- ScheduleBlockedFaultConfiguration
    FaultConfiguration <|-- TrainSpeedFaultConfiguration
    FaultConfiguration <|-- TrackSpeedLimitFaultConfiguration
    FaultConfiguration <|-- TrackBlockedFaultConfiguration
    FaultConfiguration <|-- TrainPrioFaultConfiguration

    LogEntry <|-- TrainSpawnLogEntry
    LogEntry <|-- TrainRemoveLogEntry
    LogEntry <|-- TrainArrivalLogEntry
    LogEntry <|-- TrainDepartureLogEntry
    LogEntry <|-- CreateFahrstrasseLogEntry
    LogEntry <|-- RemoveFahrstrasseLogEntry
    LogEntry <|-- SetSignalLogEntry
    LogEntry <|-- TrainEnterBlockSectionLogEntry
    LogEntry <|-- TrainLeaveBlockSectionLogEntry
    LogEntry <|-- InjectFaultLogEntry
    LogEntry <|-- ResolveFaultLogEntry

    Token "1" -- "0..*" SimulationConfiguration
    SimulationConfiguration "0..*" *-- "0..*" FaultConfiguration
    SimulationConfiguration "0..*" *-- "1" InterlockingConfiguration
    SimulationConfiguration "0..*" *-- "1" SpawnerConfiguration

    SimulationConfiguration "1" -- "0..*" Run
    Run "1" o-- "0..*" LogEntry

    SpawnerConfiguration "0..*" -- "0..*" Schedule
    ScheduleBlockedFaultConfiguration "0..*" -- "1" Schedule

    TrackBlockedFaultConfiguration "0..*" -- "1" Track
    TrackSpeedLimitFaultConfiguration "0..*" -- "1" Track
    PlatformBlockedFaultConfiguration "0..*" -- "1" Platform

    InjectFaultLogEntry "0..*" o-- "0..1" PlatformBlockedFaultConfiguration
    InjectFaultLogEntry "0..*" o-- "0..1" TrackBlockedFaultConfiguration
    InjectFaultLogEntry "0..*" o-- "0..1" TrackSpeedLimitFaultConfiguration
    InjectFaultLogEntry "0..*" o-- "0..1" ScheduleBlockedFaultConfiguration
    InjectFaultLogEntry "0..*" o-- "0..1" TrainPrioFaultConfiguration
    InjectFaultLogEntry "0..*" o-- "0..1" TrainSpeedFaultConfiguration

    class SimulationConfiguration {
        + id: UUID
        + description: String

    class Token {
        + id: UUID
        + permission: String
        + name: String
        + hashedToken: String

    class Run {
       + id: UUID

    class LogEntry {
        + timestamp: DateTime
        + tick: int
        + message: str

    class TrainSpawnLogEntry {
        + train_id: str

    class TrainRemoveLogEntry {
        + train_id: str

    class TrainArrivalLogEntry {
        + train_id: str
        + station_id: str

    class TrainDepartureLogEntry {
        + train_id: str
        + station_id: str

    class CreateFahrstrasseLogEntry {
        + fahrstrasse: str

    class RemoveFahrstrasseLogEntry {
        + fahrstrasse: str

    class SetSignalLogEntry {
        + signal_id: str
        + state_before: int
        + state_after: int

    class TrainEnterBlockSectionLogEntry {
        + train_id: str
        + block_section_id: str
        + block_section_length: float

    class TrainLeaveBlockSectionLogEntry {
        + train_id: str
        + block_section_id: str
        + block_section_length: float

    class InjectFaultLogEntry {
        + affected_element: str
        + value_before: str
        + value_after: str

    class ResolveFaultLogEntry {


    class FaultConfiguration {
        +start_tick: int
        +end_tick: int
        +description: str


    class PlatformBlockedFaultConfiguration {
        +affected_element_id: str

    class ScheduleBlockedFaultConfiguration {
        +affected_element_id: str

    class TrainSpeedFaultConfiguration {
        +affected_element_id: str

    class TrackSpeedLimitFaultConfiguration {
        +affected_element_id: str

    class TrackBlockedFaultConfiguration {
        +affected_element_id: str

    class TrainPrioFaultConfiguration {
        +affected_element_id: str
        +new_prio: int

    class ScheduleConfiguration {
        +schedule_type: str
        +strategy_type: str
        +strategy_start_tick: int
        +train_schedule_train_type: str
        +regular_strategy_frequency: int
        +random_strategy_trains_per_1000_ticks: float
        +random_strategy_seed: int
        +demand_strategy_power_station: str
        +demand_strategy_scaling_factor: float
        +demand_strategy_start_datetime: datetime

    ScheduleConfigurationXSimulationPlatform "1" o-- "1" ScheduleConfiguration

    class ScheduleConfigurationXSimulationPlatform {
        +index: int
        +simulation_platform_id: str

    SpawnerConfiguration "m" o-- "n" ScheduleConfiguration

    class SpawnerConfiguration {


    class SmardApiIndex {
        timestamp: datetime

    class SmardApiEntry {
        timestamp: datetime
        value: float

    SmardApiEntry "" *-- "1" SmardApiIndex : index

    class InterlockingConfiguration {
        + dynamicRouting: Boolean

    class Track {


    class Platform {


Here a more accurate version:


I recommend installing pgadmin and using their ERD-Tool.

Class types

Configuration class

A configuration class contains information to initialize the functionality class. It inherits from the BaseModel in order to be saved to the database.

Pass an object of the configuration class the the according functionality class during the initialization.

Please keep the OpenAPI3 definition, postman collections and the database class diagram in sync with the configuration class. Ask Antony, if you need help.

Functionality class

Interface to interact with a Communicator. Pass an object of the configuration class the the according functionality class during the initialization.

Interaction between classes

The following diagram shows a rough overview over the interaction between configuration classes (in this example SpawnerConfiguration and functionality classes (in this case the component Spawner contains the class).

Initializing component