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Grafana Dashboard

Lucas Reisener edited this page Jul 24, 2023 · 9 revisions

All relevant simulation results will be displayed on the Dashboard. To get an improved overview of all the results, Grafana is seperated into three dashboard pages. In the first one all information about one run can be viewed, in the second one all information about all runs of a config will be displayed, and in the third dashboard you are able to see a comparison of multiple configurations.

Run based Dashboard



All faults will be annotated in timeseries diagrams. Faults will be marked by a red vertical line and a title specifying the type.

Train Spawns

All train spawns will be annotated in timeseries diagrams. Train spawns will be marked by a red vertical line and a title specifying the train id.



Displays the Verkehrsleistung over a period of time for the last 10 seconds with all injected faults.

Coal Demand

Displays the graph for the coal demand of all demand schedules associated with the given run id.



Displays the Verkehrsarbeit for the entire run grouped into the different train types.


Displays the Verkehrsleistung for the entire run grouped into the different train types.

Config Based Dashboard


Coal Train Spawns

All coal train spawns will be annotated in timeseries diagrams. Train spawns will be marked by a red line.


Arrival and Departure Time Window over Time

Returns the arrival and departure window sizes over time by a given config id.


Displays the average Verkehrsleistung for all runs of the config for a period of time.

Coal Demand

Displays the graphs for coal demand of all demand schedules.


Average Arrival & Departure Window Sizes

Displays the average Arrival & Departure Window Sizes for the entire simulation grouped into the different train types.

Arrival & Departure Time Window

Displays the arrival & departure time windows for all stations and trains.


Displays the distribution of Verkehrsleistung of each run in a histogram.


Displays the distribution of Verkehrsarbeit of each run in a histogram.

Durchschnittliche Verkehrsleistung

Displays the average Verkehrsleistung grouped into the different train types.

Durchschnittliche Verkehrsarbeit

Displays the distribution of Verkehrsarbeit grouped into the different train types.

Multi Config Based Dashboard


Arrival Time Windows

Compares the average arrival time windows of runs of multiple configurations.

Departure Time Windows

Compares the average departure time windows of runs of multiple configurations.


Compares the average Verkehrsleistung of runs of multiple configurations grouped into the different train types.


Compares the average Verkehrsarbeit of runs of multiple configurations grouped into the different train types.

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