lsmnsd is an R package that analyzes animal movement using latent-state model and net squared displacement.
This is the development area for the package lsmnsd
, which provides a series of functions to analyze and classify animal movement strategies based on analysis of Net Squared Displacement (NSD) and latent-state model.
References: Bastille-Rousseau, G., Potts, J., Yackulic, C., Frair, J., Ellington, E.H., Blake, S. (2016) Flexible characterization of animal movement pattern using net squared displacement and a latent state model. Movement Ecology.
For questions: gbr |at|
You need to use the package devtools
from Hadley Wickham.
You also need a version of JAGS and the package R2jags
installed before using the package.
The package main functions are clustNSD
, simple.clust
, and classify
. The package comes with movement data from two giant tortoises : Christian and Zelfa. For a list of documented functions see the Reference manual.
Alternatively, here is a quick example to get you going:
nsd1<-NSD_fct(Christian$x, Christian$y)
Christian_out<-clustNSD(cbind(range01(nsd1), Christian$Time), n.iter=10000, WAIC=F, simplify=F)