wildxing is an R package for optimal positioning of wildlife crossing structures using GPS telemetry.
This is the development area for the package wildxing
, which provides a series of functions to analyze movement data to optimally locate wildlife crossing structures.
References: Bastille-Rousseau, G., Wall, J., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Wittemyer, G. 2018. Optimizing wildlife crossing structures using GPS telemetry. Journal of Applied Ecology.
For questions: gbr |at| colostate.edu
You need to use the package devtools
from Hadley Wickham.
The package main functions are corriIntersects
, hr_split
, avg_inds
and optim_corri
. For a list of documented functions see the Reference manual.
For examples of how to use the main functions, you can also look at the vignette.
Alternatively, here is a quick example to get you going:
x <- c(0,0)
y <- c(-6500000,-4500000)
t1<-SpatialLines(list(Lines(Line(cbind(x,y)), ID="a")))
t2<-SegmentSpL(t1, n.parts=20, merge.last=F)
data (albatross) #From package adehabitatLT
t3<-corriIntersects_All(albatross, t2)
opti1<-optim_corri(t4, var=4, n=3, nb_ind=1, weight=0.5, plot=T) #Equal weight
opti2<-optim_corri(t4, var=4, n=3, nb_ind=1, weight=0.95, plot=T) #More importance to spatial spread