Author: | Mitchell Broome, Geoff Simmons |
Date: | 2014-12-11 |
Version: | 1.0 |
Manual section: | 3 |
import uuid;
UUID Varnish vmod used to generate a uuid, including versions 1, 3, 4 and 5 as specified in RFC 4122. See the RFC for details about the various versions.
- Prototype
- Return value
- Description
- Returns a uuid version 1 (based on MAC address and the current time)
set req.http.X-Flow-ID = "cache-" + uuid.uuid();
- Prototype
- Return value
- Description
- Returns a uuid version 1. The functions uuid() and uuid_v1() are aliases for one another.
- Example
set req.http.X-Flow-ID = "cache-" + uuid.uuid_v1();
- Prototype
uuid_v3(STRING namespace, STRING name)
- Return value
- Description
- Returns a uuid version 3, based on an MD5 hash formed from namespace and name. The namespace argument MUST be one of the following:
- "nil" (for the "nil UUID")
- "ns:DNS" (for the domain name system)
- "ns:URL" (for the URL namespace)
- "ns:OID" (for the ISO object identifier namespace)
- "ns:X500" (for X.500 distinguished names)
- a valid 36-character representation of a UUID, i.e. a string of the form "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", where all of the x's are hex digits, with appropriate restrictions on UUID formats (cf. the RFC)
If these conditions are not met, then uuid_v3() fails; it returns a null string (typically, the header specified in VCL will not be set), and an error message is emitted to the Varnish log with the tag VCL_error.
The name argument can be any string.
- Example
set req.http.X-DNS-ID = uuid.uuid_v3("ns:DNS", ""); set req.http.X-MyNS-ID = uuid.uuid_v3("6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8", "");
- Prototype
- Return value
- Description
- Returns a uuid version 4, based on random numbers.
- Example
set req.http.X-Rand-ID = uuid.uuid_v4();
- Prototype
uuid_v5(STRING namespace, STRING name)
- Return value
- Description
- Returns a uuid version 5, based on a SHA1 hash formed from namespace and name. The same restrictions and failure conditions regarding the namespace argument hold as for uuid_v3() above. The name argument can be any string.
- Example
set req.http.X-DNS-ID = uuid.uuid_v5("ns:DNS", ""); set req.http.X-MyNS-ID = uuid.uuid_v5("6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8", "");
Libvmod-uuid requires the OSSP uuid library to generate uuids. It is available at or possibly as a prepackaged library from your linux distribution.
In the case of Redhat/Fedora/CentOS, the rpm is named uuid. Ensure you install the rpms with the following command:
yum install -y uuid uuid-devel
The installation process is standard for a Varnish 4 VMOD -- build the VMOD on a system where an instance of Varnish 4 is installed, and the auto-tools will attempt to locate the Varnish instance, and then pull in libraries and other support files from there.
This sequence should be enough in typical setups:
(for git-installation)./configure
make check
(regression tests)make install
(may require root: sudo make install)
In your VCL you could then use this vmod along the following lines:
import uuid; sub vcl_recv { # This sets req.http.X-Flow-ID to "cache-uuid" set req.http.X-Flow-ID = "cache-" + uuid.uuid(); }
As with Varnish itself, you can set additional flags and macros in the
step, and/or define environment variables to affect the
build config.
For example, if you are building the VMOD against a Varnish instance
with a non-standard installation prefix, then set these env variables
before running configure
- PREFIX=/path/to/varnish/install/prefix
- export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig
- export ACLOCAL_PATH=$PREFIX/share/aclocal
- export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PREFIX/sbin:$PATH
must locate the varnishtest
and varnishd
binaries so that make check
can be run. Usually it should be able
to find them, but if necessary you can set the variables
with the full paths.
As with Varnish, you can use these configure
options for stricter
(for GCC 4)--enable-werror
The VMOD must always build successfully with these options enabled.
Also as with Varnish, you can add --enable-debugging-symbols
, so
that the VMOD's symbols are available to debuggers, in core dumps and
so forth.
- Version 1.0: Varnish 4 version, supporting all UUID variants by Geoffrey Simmons <[email protected]>, UPLEX Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung for Otto GmbH & KG
- Version 0.1: Initial Varnish 3 version, by Mitchell Broome of Sharecare
This document is licensed under the same license as the libvmod-uuid project. See LICENSE for details.