Leave Guild mod for Daggerfall Unity
This mod allows you to leave a guild without any repercussions. Useful in situations where you wish to join another temple, but don't want to decrease your reputation to the negative numbers. Simply talk to a guild member and there you'll find a new improvised button exactly for that!
Should you wish to rejoin the guild, don't worry. You get your earned reputation and rank back!
I wrote this simple mod after I joined a temple and after several hours of gameplay found out I can no longer join any other temples without destroying my hard work for the first temple.
If you wish to lose some reputation upon leaving, you can set a reputation loss value in the mod settings (added in 1.0.2).
Disclaimer: I didn't test this mod in the Dark Brotherhood or The Thieves Guild. No warranty given what happens if you decide to leave them... :)
The release package of this mod can be found at https://www.nexusmods.com/daggerfallunity/mods/588. Written and compiled using Daggerfall Unity v1.0.0, using Unity 3D 2019.4.40f1.