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Local Environment

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Local Environment



翻译:区块链中文字幕组 - 陈伟


1. Getting the code

1. 获取代码

To download all of the code, download EOS source code and a recursion or two of submodules. The easiest way to get all of this is to do a recursive clone:

为了下载所有的代码,可以递归下载 EOS 或者下载 EOS 和两个子模块。下载所有代码最简单的方法是使用一个递归克隆:

$ git clone --recursive

If a repo is cloned without the --recursive flag, the submodules can be retrieved after the fact by running this command from within the repo:

如果在克隆版本库的时候并没有使用 --recursive 这个命令行参数,那么在下载完成以后可以通过在版本库中运行这个命令来获取子模块:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

2. Building EOS

2. 构建EOS

2.1 Automated build script

2.1 自动构建脚本

For Ubuntu 16.10 and MacOS Sierra, there is an automated build script that can install all dependencies and builds EOS.

Ubuntu 16.10版本和MacOS Sierra版本上,有一个可以安装所有依赖包并且构建 EOS 的自动构建脚本。

It is called with following inputs.

  • architecture [ubuntu|darwin]
  • optional mode [full|build]

这个脚本叫做 ,它有以下输入。

  • 架构 【ubuntu|darwin】
  • 可选模式 【full|build】

The first option determines which architecture the build script is run on "darwin" for MacOS and "ubuntu" for Ubuntu.

第一个可选项决定了构建脚本在哪个架构上运行。”darwin“ 代表MacOS,”ubuntu“ 代表Ubuntu

The second optional input can be "full" or "build" where "build" only builds EOS while "full" installs all dependencies and builds EOS. When omitted then "full" is implied.

第二个可选输入可以是 ”full“ 或者是 ”build“ ,”build“ 只构建 EOS 而 ”full“ 先安装所有的依赖包然后再构建 EOS 。如果这个可选输入省略掉的话,默认值是 ”full“ 。

$ ./ ${architecture} ${optional_mode}

Clone EOS repository recursively as below and run located in root eos folder.

按以下命令递归克隆 EOS 仓库并且运行位于 eos 根目录下的 文件。

2.1.1. Ubuntu 16.10

Full build


$ git clone --recursive
$ cd eos
$ ./ ubuntu full

Incremental build


$ git clone --recursive

$ cd eos
$ ./ ubuntu

Proceed to the next step, Creating and launching a single-node testnet


2.1.2. MacOS Sierra

Before running the script make sure you have updated XCode and brew:

在运行脚本之前确保你更新了 XCode 和 brew :

$ xcode-select --install
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Full build


$ git clone --recursive
$ cd eos
$ darwin full

Incremental build


$ git clone --recursive
$ cd eos
$ darwin

Proceed to the next step, Creating and launching a single-node testnet


2.2. Manual build script

2.2. 手动构建脚本

2.2.1 Building from source code

2.2.1 从源代码构建

It is recommended to build by using, as explained above. But if you would like to build by your own, please follow the steps below:

如上所述,推荐使用 脚本来构建。但是如果你要自己构建的话,请按以下步骤进行:

The WASM_LLVM_CONFIG environment variable is used to find our recently built WASM compiler. This is needed to compile the example contracts inside eos/contracts folder and their respective tests.

WASM_LLVM_CONFIG 这个环境变量是用来发现我们最近构建的 WASM 编译器的。在编译 eos/contracts 文件夹里的合约用例和他们各自的测试用例时需要用到这个变量。

$ cd ~
$ git clone --recursive
$ mkdir -p ~/eos/build && cd ~/eos/build
$ cmake -DBINARYEN_BIN=~/binaryen/bin -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl -DOPENSSL_LIBRARIES=/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib ..
$ make -j4

Out-of-source builds are also supported. To override clang's default choice in compiler, add these flags to the CMake command:

EOS 也支持源码外构建。为了覆盖在编译器里的 clang 的默认选择,把这些命令行参数加到 Cmake 的命令中去:

-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/c++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/path/to/cc

For a debug build, add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug. Other common build types include Release and RelWithDebInfo.

如果是调试类型构建的话,加入命令行参数 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug。其他常用的构建类型是 ReleaseRelWithDebInfo

To run the test suite after building, run the chain_test executable in the tests folder.


EOS comes with a number of programs you can find in ~/eos/build/programs. They are listed below:

  • eosd - server-side blockchain node component
  • eosc - command line interface to interact with the blockchain
  • eos-walletd - EOS wallet
  • launcher - application for nodes network composing and deployment; more on launcher

EOS 自带一些程序,这些程序你可以在 ~/eos/build/programs 文件夹里面找到。它们是以下程序:

  • eosd - 服务器端区块链节点组件
  • eosc - 命令行接口,可用于和区块链互动
  • eos-walletd - EOS 钱包
  • launcher - 节点网络编写和部署的应用; 关于 launcher 的更多信息

Manual installation of the dependencies 手动安装依赖包

If you prefer to manually build dependencies - follow the steps below.

如果你想要手动构建依赖包 - 请按以下步骤进行。

This project is written primarily in C++14 and uses CMake as its build system. An up-to-date Clang and the latest version of CMake is recommended.

这个项目主要是用 C++14 编写的,并且使用了 CMake 作为它的构建系统。推荐使用最新的 Clang 和最新版本的 CMake。


2.2.2 Clean install Ubuntu 16.10

2.2.2 全新安装 Ubuntu 16.10

Install the development toolkit:


$ sudo apt-get update
$ wget -O -|sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt-get install clang-4.0 lldb-4.0 libclang-4.0-dev cmake make \
                     libbz2-dev libssl-dev libgmp3-dev \
                     autotools-dev build-essential \
                     libbz2-dev libicu-dev python-dev \
                     autoconf libtool git

Install Boost 1.64:

安装 Boost 1.64

$ cd ~
$ wget -c '' -O boost_1.64.0.tar.bz2
$ tar xjf boost_1.64.0.tar.bz2
$ cd boost_1_64_0/
$ echo "export BOOST_ROOT=$HOME/opt/boost_1_64_0" >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile
$ ./ "--prefix=$BOOST_ROOT"
$ ./b2 install
$ source ~/.bash_profile

Install secp256k1-zkp (Cryptonomex branch):

安装secp256k1-zkp (Cryptonomex 分支):

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd secp256k1-zkp
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

To use the WASM compiler, EOS has an external dependency on binaryen:

为了用 WASM 编译器,EOS 需要一个外部依赖 binaryen

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd ~/binaryen
$ git checkout tags/1.37.14
$ cmake . && make

Add BINARYEN_ROOT to your .bash_profile:

BINARYEN_ROOT 加到你的 .bash_profile 文件里面:

$ echo "export BINARYEN_ROOT=~/binaryen" >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile

By default LLVM and clang do not include the WASM build target, so you will have to build it yourself:

LLVM 和 clang 默认是不包括 WASM 的构建目标, 因此你必须自己构建它:

$ mkdir  ~/wasm-compiler
$ cd ~/wasm-compiler
$ git clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch release_40
$ cd llvm/tools
$ git clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch release_40
$ cd ..
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make -j4 install

Your environment is set up. Now you can build EOS and run a node.

你的环境已经设置好了。现在你可以构建 EOS 并且运行一个节点

2.2.3 MacOS Sierra 10.12.6

macOS additional Dependencies:

  • Brew
  • Newest XCode

macOS 额外的依赖包:

  • Brew
  • 最新的 XCode

Upgrade your XCode to the newest version:

升级你的 XCode 到最新版本:

$ xcode-select --install

Install homebrew: 安装 homebrew:

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install the dependencies:


$ brew update
$ brew install git automake libtool boost openssl llvm@4 gmp ninja gettext
$ brew link gettext --force

Install secp256k1-zkp (Cryptonomex branch):

安装secp256k1-zkp (Cryptonomex 分支):

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd secp256k1-zkp
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Install binaryen v1.37.14

安装 binaryen v1.37.14

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd ~/binaryen
$ git checkout tags/1.37.14
$ cmake . && make

Add BINARYEN_ROOT to your .bash_profile:

BINARYEN_ROOT 加到你的 .bash_profile 文件中去:

$ echo "export BINARYEN_ROOT=~/binaryen" >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile

Build LLVM and clang for WASM:

为了 WASM 构建 LLVM 和 clang :

$ mkdir  ~/wasm-compiler
$ cd ~/wasm-compiler
$ git clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch release_40
$ cd llvm/tools
$ git clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch release_40
$ cd ..
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make -j4 install

Add WASM_LLVM_CONFIG and LLVM_DIR to your .bash_profile:

WASM_LLVM_CONFIGLLVM_DIR 加到你的 .bash_profile 文件中去:

$ echo "export WASM_LLVM_CONFIG=~/wasm-compiler/llvm/bin/llvm-config" >> ~/.bash_profile
$ echo "export LLVM_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/4.0.1/lib/cmake/llvm" >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile

3. Docker

Simple and fast setup of EOS on Docker is also available.

在 Docker 上简单快速的设置 EOS 也可以。

3.1. Install Dependencies

  • Docker Docker 17.05 or higher is required

3.1. 安装依赖包

  • Docker 需要 Docker 17.05 或以上版本

3.2. Build eos image

3.2. 构建 eos 映像文件

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd eos/Docker
$ docker build . -t eosio/eos

3.3. Start eosd docker container only

3.3. 只启动 eosd 的 docker 容器

$ docker run --name eosd -p 8888:8888 -p 9876:9876 -t eosio/eos arg1 arg2

By default, all data is persisted in a docker volume. It can be deleted if the data is outdated or corrupted:

默认设置是,所有的数据保存在一个 docker 数据卷上。 如果数据太老了或者损坏了数据卷可以被删除。

$ docker inspect --format '{{ range .Mounts }}{{ .Name }} {{ end }}' eosd
$ docker volume rm fdc265730a4f697346fa8b078c176e315b959e79365fc9cbd11f090ea0cb5cbc

Alternately, you can directly mount host directory into the container


$ docker run --name eosd -v /path-to-data-dir:/opt/eos/bin/data-dir -p 8888:8888 -p 9876:9876 -t eosio/eos arg1 arg2

3.4. Get chain info

3.4. 获得链信息

$ curl

3.5. Start both eosd and walletd containers

3.5. 启动 eosd 和 walletd 容器

$ docker-compose up

After docker-compose up, two services named eosd and walletd will be started. eosd service will expose ports 8888 and 9876 to the host. walletd service does not expose any port to the host, it is only accessible to eosc when runing eosc is running inside the walletd container as described in "Execute eosc commands" section.

docker-compose up 命令运行以后,名为 eosd 和 walletd 的两个服务也将被启动。 eosd 服务将会向主机暴露端口8888和9876。walletd 服务对主机不暴露任何端口,只有 eosc 才可以接触到这个服务,而且仅仅是在 eosc 运行在和 walletd 同一个容器中的时候。 这些信息可以在 “执行 eosc 命令集” 章节中找到。

3.5.1. Execute eosc commands

3.5.1. 执行 eosc 命令集

You can run the eosc commands via a bash alias.

你可以通过 bash 别名来运行 eosc 命令集。

$ alias eosc='docker-compose exec walletd /opt/eos/bin/eosc -H eosd'
$ eosc get info
$ eosc get account inita

Upload sample exchange contract


$ eosc set contract exchange contracts/exchange/exchange.wast contracts/exchange/exchange.abi

If you don't need walletd afterwards, you can stop the walletd service using

如果你之后不需要 walletd 了,你可以使用以下命令停止 walletd 服务

$ docker-compose stop walletd

3.5.2. Change default configuration

3.5.2. 改变默认设置

You can use docker compose override file to change the default configurations. For example, create an alternate config file config2.ini and a docker-compose.override.yml with the following content.

你可以用 docker compose 覆盖文件来改变默认设置。比如说,创建一个替代的配置文件 config2.ini 和 一个 docker-compose.override.yml 文件, 这个文件内容如下:

version: "2"

      - eosd-data-volume:/opt/eos/bin/data-dir
      - ./config2.ini:/opt/eos/bin/data-dir/config.ini

Then restart your docker containers as follows:

然后用以下命令重启你的 docker 容器:

$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose up

3.5.3. Clear data-dir

3.5.3. 清除 data-dir

The data volume created by docker-compose can be deleted as follows:

docker-compose 创建的数据卷可以用以下命令删除:

$ docker volume rm docker_eosd-data-volume

4. Creating and launching a single-node testnet

4. 创建和启动一个单节点的测试网络

After successfully building the project, the eosd binary should be present in the build/programs/eosd directory. Go ahead and run eosd -- it will probably exit with an error, but if not, close it immediately with Ctrl-C. Note that eosd created a directory named data-dir containing the default configuration (config.ini) and some other internals. This default data storage path can be overridden by passing --data-dir /path/to/data to eosd.

在成功构建项目以后,eosd 的二进制文件应该出现在 build/programs/eosd 文件夹中。 现在运行 eosd -- 可能它会出错并且退出,但是如果没有的话,也马上用 Ctrl-C 来把它关掉。注意 eosd 创建了一个叫做 data-dir 的文件夹,其中有默认配置文件 (config.ini)和一些其他的内部文件。默认的数据存储路径可以通过在 eosd 上加一个参数 --data-dir /path/to/data 来覆盖。

Edit the config.ini file, adding the following settings to the defaults already in place:

编辑 config.ini 文件, 把以下设置加到已经在这个文件里的设置后面:

# Load the testnet genesis state, which creates some initial block producers with the default key
genesis-json = /path/to/eos/source/genesis.json
 # Enable production on a stale chain, since a single-node test chain is pretty much always stale
enable-stale-production = true
# Enable block production with the testnet producers
producer-name = inita
producer-name = initb
producer-name = initc
producer-name = initd
producer-name = inite
producer-name = initf
producer-name = initg
producer-name = inith
producer-name = initi
producer-name = initj
producer-name = initk
producer-name = initl
producer-name = initm
producer-name = initn
producer-name = inito
producer-name = initp
producer-name = initq
producer-name = initr
producer-name = inits
producer-name = initt
producer-name = initu
# Load the block producer plugin, so you can produce blocks
plugin = eosio::producer_plugin
# Wallet plugin
plugin = eosio::wallet_api_plugin
# As well as API and HTTP plugins
plugin = eosio::chain_api_plugin
plugin = eosio::http_plugin

Now it should be possible to run eosd and see it begin producing blocks.

现在应该可以运行 eosd 并且观察到它开始产生区块了。

When running eosd you should get log messages similar to below. It means the blocks are successfully produced.

当运行 eosd 的时候你应该看到和以下类似的日志消息。 这表明区块成功的产生了。

1575001ms thread-0   chain_controller.cpp:235      _push_block          ] initm #1 @2017-09-04T04:26:15  | 0 trx, 0 pending, exectime_ms=0
1575001ms thread-0   producer_plugin.cpp:207       block_production_loo ] initm generated block #1 @ 2017-09-04T04:26:15 with 0 trxs  0 pending
1578001ms thread-0   chain_controller.cpp:235      _push_block          ] initc #2 @2017-09-04T04:26:18  | 0 trx, 0 pending, exectime_ms=0
1578001ms thread-0   producer_plugin.cpp:207       block_production_loo ] initc generated block #2 @ 2017-09-04T04:26:18 with 0 trxs  0 pending

5. Troubleshooting Guide

5. 故障排查指南

  1. You get an error such as St9exception: content of memory does not match data expected by executable when trying to start eosd

  2. 当你试图运行 eosd 的时候得到一个错误 St9exception: content of memory does not match data expected by executable

Try restarting eosd with --resync

尝试重启 eosd 并且使用选项 --resync

  1. How do I find which version of eosd I'm running or connecting to?

  2. 我如何发现我运行的或者是我连接的 'eosd' 是哪个版本?

Use eosc -H ${eosd_host} -p ${eosd_port} get info and you will see the version number in the field called server_version

使用 eosc -H ${eosd_host} -p ${eosd_port} get info 然后你会在一个叫 server_version 的字段里看到版本号

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