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Programs & Tools

oscar edited this page Jan 16, 2018 · 5 revisions

Programs & Tools | 程序和工具


译者:区块链中文字幕组 胡亮


Programs | 程序


The core EOS daemon that can be configured with plugins to run a node. Example uses are block production, dedicated API endpoints and local development.

EOS 核心守护进程可以配置插件,运行为一个节点。例如,作为区块生产者运行,用于API端口和本地开发。


eosc is a command line tool that interfaces with the REST api exposed by eosd. In order to use eosc you will need to have the end point (IP address and port number) to an eosd instance and also configure eosc to load the 'eosio::chain_api_plugin'. eosc contains documentation for all of its commands. For a list of all commands known to eosc, simply run it with no arguments:

eosc 是一个命令行工具,用于与 eosd 暴露的 REST 接口交互。为了使用 eosc ,你需要有 eosd 实例的端口(ip地址和端口号),并且 eosc 配置了加载插件 'eosio::chain_api_plugin'。eosc 包含它所有命令的文档。为获取 eosc 支持的命令列表,不带任何参数运行它即可:

$ eosc
ERROR: RequiredError: Subcommand required
Command Line Interface to Eos Client

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -H,--host TEXT=localhost    the host where eosd is running
  -p,--port UINT=8888         the port where eosd is running
  --wallet-host TEXT=localhost
                              the host where eos-walletd is running
  --wallet-port UINT=8888     the port where eos-walletd is running
  -v,--verbose                output verbose messages on error

  version                     Retrieve version information
  create                      Create various items, on and off the blockchain
  get                         Retrieve various items and information from the blockchain
  set                         Set or update blockchain state
  transfer                    Transfer EOS from account to account
  net                         Interact with local p2p network connections
  wallet                      Interact with local wallet
  benchmark                   Configure and execute benchmarks
  push                        Push arbitrary transactions to the blockchain

To get help with any particular subcommand, run it with no arguments as well:


$ eosc create
ERROR: RequiredError: Subcommand required
Create various items, on and off the blockchain
Usage: ./eosc create SUBCOMMAND

  key                         Create a new keypair and print the public and private keys
  account                     Create a new account on the blockchain
  producer                    Create a new producer on the blockchain

$ eosc create account
ERROR: RequiredError: creator
Create a new account on the blockchain
Usage: ./eosc create account [OPTIONS] creator name OwnerKey ActiveKey

  creator TEXT                The name of the account creating the new account
  name TEXT                   The name of the new account
  OwnerKey TEXT               The owner public key for the account
  ActiveKey TEXT              The active public key for the account

  -s,--skip-signature         Specify that unlocked wallet keys should not be used to sign transaction
  -x,--expiration             set the time in seconds before a transaction expires, defaults to 30s
  -f,--force-unique           force the transaction to be unique. this will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times

eos-walletd | eos钱包程序

An EOS wallet daemon that loads wallet related plugins, such as the HTTP interface and RPC API

EOS 钱包进程加载钱包相关插件,如:HTTP 接口和 RPC 接口。

launcher | 启动器

The launcher application simplifies the distribution of multiple eosd nodes across a LAN or a wider network. It can be configured via CLI to compose per-node configuration files, distribute these files securely amongst the peer hosts and then start up the multiple instances of eosd.

启动器程序简化了多 eosd 节点跨内网或者更大网络的部署。它支持通过命令行配置、组合各节点的配置文件,在多个主机之间安全地分发这些文件并且启动多个 eosd 实例。

snapshot | 快照

A submodule referencing EOSIO/genesis repository that contains a nodejs application for generating a snapshot from crowdsale contract, a web GUI for configuring a genesis block and other genesis related tools.

一个引用 EOSIO/genesis 库的子模块,包含一个用来从 crowdsale 合约生成快照的 nodejs 应用程序。它有一个web界面,用于配置创始区块和其他创始相关工具。

Tools | 工具


Using eoscpp to generate the ABI specification file | 使用 eoscpp 来生成 ABI 规范文件。

eoscpp can generate the ABI specification file by inspecting the content of types declared in the contract source code.

eoscpp 通过检查合约源码中类型声明的内容,来生成 ABI 规范文件。

To indicate that a type must be exported to the ABI (as an action or a table), the @abi annotation must be used in the comment attached to the type declaration.

为了指明一个类型必须被导出为 ABI(作为一个动作或者一个表),@abi 注释必须在类型声明的注释中被添加。

The syntax for the annotation is as following.


  • @abi action [name name2 ... nameN]
  • @abi table [index_type name] To generate the ABI file, eoscpp must be called with the -g option.
➜ eoscpp -g abi.json types.hpp
Generated abi.json ...

eoscpp can also be used to generate helper functions that serialize/deserialize the types defined in the ABI spec.

eoscpp 可以用于生成助手函数。这些函数用于序列号和反序列化定义在 ABI 规范中的类型。

➜ eoscpp -g abi.json -gs types.hpp
Generated abi.json ...
Generated types.gen.hpp ...

Examples | 例子

Declaring an action | 声明一个动作

#include <eoslib/types.hpp>
#include <eoslib/string.hpp>

//@abi action
struct action_name {
  uint64_t    param1;
  uint64_t    param2;
  eosio::string param3;
  "types": [],
  "structs": [{
      "name": "action_name",
      "base": "",
      "fields": {
        "param1": "uint64",
        "param2": "uint64",
        "param3": "string"
  "actions": [{
      "action_name": "actionname",
      "type": "action_name"
  "tables": []

Declaring multiple actions using the same interface. | 使用相同的接口声明多个动作

#include <eoslib/types.hpp>
#include <eoslib/string.hpp>

//@abi action action1 action2
struct action_name {
  uint64_t param1;
  uint64_t param2;
  eosio::string   param3;
  "types": [],
  "structs": [{
      "name": "action_name",
      "base": "",
      "fields": {
        "param1": "uint64",
        "param2": "uint64",
        "param3": "string"
  "actions": [{
      "action_name": "action1",
      "type": "action_name"
      "action_name": "action2",
      "type": "action_name"
  "tables": []

Declaring a table | 声明一个表

#include <eoslib/types.hpp>
#include <eoslib/string.hpp>

//@abi table
struct my_table {
  uint64_t key;
  "types": [],
  "structs": [{
      "name": "my_table",
      "base": "",
      "fields": {
        "key": "uint64"
  "actions": [],
  "tables": [{
      "table_name": "mytable",
      "index_type": "i64",
      "key_names": [
      "key_types": [
      "type": "my_table"

Declaring a table with explicit index type | 使用明确的索引类型声明一个表

*a struct with 3 uint64_t can be both i64 or i64i64i64

#include <eoslib/types.hpp>

//@abi table i64
struct my_new_table {
  uint64_t key;
  uint64_t name;
  uint64_t age;
  "types": [],
  "structs": [{
      "name": "my_new_table",
      "base": "",
      "fields": {
        "key": "uint64",
        "name": "uint64",
        "age": "uint64"
  "actions": [],
  "tables": [{
      "table_name": "mynewtable",
      "index_type": "i64",
      "key_names": [
      "key_types": [
      "type": "my_new_table"

Declaring a table and an action that use the same struct. | 使用相同的结构体声明一个表和一个动作

#include <eoslib/types.hpp>
#include <eoslib/string.hpp>

 * @abi table
 * @abi action
struct my_type {
  eosio::string key;
  eosio::name value;
  "types": [],
  "structs": [{
      "name": "my_type",
      "base": "",
      "fields": {
        "key": "string",
        "value": "name"
  "actions": [{
      "action_name": "mytype",
      "type": "my_type"
  "tables": [{
      "table_name": "mytype",
      "index_type": "str",
      "key_names": [
      "key_types": [
      "type": "my_type"

Example of typedef exporting | 使用 typedef 导出类型的例子

#include <eoslib/types.hpp>
struct simple {
  uint64_t u64;

typedef simple simple_alias;
typedef eosio::name name_alias;

//@abi action
struct action_one : simple_alias {
  uint32_t u32;
  name_alias name;
  "types": [{
      "new_type_name": "simple_alias",
      "type": "simple"
      "new_type_name": "name_alias",
      "type": "name"
  "structs": [{
      "name": "simple",
      "base": "",
      "fields": {
        "u64": "uint64"
      "name": "action_one",
      "base": "simple_alias",
      "fields": {
        "u32": "uint32",
        "name": "name_alias"
  "actions": [{
      "action_name": "actionone",
      "type": "action_one"
  "tables": []

Using the generated serialization/deserialization functions | 使用生成的序列化和反序列化函数

#include <eoslib/types.hpp>
#include <eoslib/string.hpp>

struct simple {
  uint32_t u32;
  fixed_string16 s16;

struct my_complex_type {
  uint64_t u64;
  eosio::string str;
  simple simple;
  bytes bytes;
  public_key pub;

typedef my_complex_type complex;

//@abi action
struct test_action {
  uint32_t u32;
  complex cplx;
void apply( uint64_t code, uint64_t action ) {
   if( code == N(mycontract) ) {
      if( action == N(testaction) ) {
        auto msg = eosio::current_message<test_action>();
        eosio::print("test_action content\n");

        bytes b = eosio::raw::pack(msg);
        printhex(, b.len);

NOTE: table names and action names cannot use an underscore ("_"). | 注意:表名和动作名不能使用下划线。

Calling contract with test values | 使用测试数据调用合约

eosc push message mycontract testaction '{"u32":"1000", "cplx":{"u64":"472", "str":"hello", "bytes":"B0CA", "pub":"EOS8CY2pCW5THmzvPTgEh5WLEAxgpVFXaPogPvgvVpVWCYMRdzmwx", "simple":{"u32":"164","s16":"small-string"}}}' -S mycontract

Will produce the following output in eosd console | 在 eosd 控制台将产生以下输出

test_action content






胡亮 区块链技术爱好者,欢迎加微信号:haobaba-huliang



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