Ocean and Maritime Economy
- Python : The main programming language will be used in this project
- Google Collabs : For collaborative machine learning model development.
- TensorFlow/scikit-learn : Framework for building a model.
- Keras API from TensorFlow : an API from tensorflow for building a model.
- Git/GitHub : Version control and collaborative development.
- Matplotlib/Seaborn : Useful to visualize data used for ML development.
- Numpy : Open-source library for data preparing and manipulating.
- Pandas : library for data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series.
- Pre-trained model for image classification : for transfer learning on marine product grading model .
- Marine product price dataset : dataset for price recommendation model.
- Fresh marine product dataset : dataset for marine product grading model.
- Spoiled marine product dataset : dataset for marine product grading model.
- Decision to sail dataset : dataset for sailing decision model.