- python 2.7 (install from http://www.ninite.com/ )
Fork the repo and clone it to your computer using hg clone
cd into the cloned project
You will need virtualenv. Either install it or download virtualenv.py from here: https://raw.github.com/pypa/virtualenv/master/virtualenv.py
Now create a virtualenv. Use either::
virtualenv .
python virtualenv.py .
Good! to activate the env use this on OSX or linux::
source bin/activate
On windows::
Your prompt should start with
. -
Now install all other requirements (This can take some time)::
pip install -r requirements.txt
create folder "xls".
python scrapit.py [argument]::
argument should be a digit to start the reading (always read 200 lines). or the word "combine" to combine all files into one file.