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All Functions, datatypes, etc.

BtheDestroyer edited this page Jan 8, 2017 · 10 revisions

This page is updated for SpriteTools Release 2.1

Table of Contents




General Debugging

Button Debugging



Standard Foreground Colors

Standard Background Colors




General Functions

Render Spritesheets

Render Frames

Render Animations

Render Entities



Frame Functions

Animation Functions



Entity Creation

Setting Values

Modifying Values

Non-Wrapping Modifying Values











/* Inits all modules and sets up */
/* Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure */
int ST_Init(void);

/* Cleans up all modules */
/* Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure */
int ST_Fini(void);


General Debugging

/* Sets up debug variables */
/* Returns 1 on success */
/* Returns 0 if DEBUGVars cannot be allocated */
u8 ST_DebugInit(void);

/* Cleans up all modules */
u8 ST_DebugFini(void);

/* Returns DEBUG State */
u8 ST_DebugGet(void);

/* Sets DEBUG State to on */
/* Returns DEBUG State */
u8 ST_DebugSetOn(void);

/* Sets DEBUG State to off */
/* Returns DEBUG State */
u8 ST_DebugSetOff(void);

/* Prints a string if DEBUG is on */
/* Takes string to print */
/* Returns characters printed */
u8 ST_DebugPrint(char *str);

/* Adds Variable to debug list */
/* Takes name of variable, pointer to variable (void *), and type of variable */
/* Returns id of var */
/*   Will return -1 if name allocation had an error */
s8 ST_DebugAddVar(char *name, void *varp, ST_PointerType datatype);

/* Removes Variable with given id from DEBUGVars array */
/* Takes id of variable */
/* Returns 1 when the variable was cleared */
/*   Returns 0 when the variable was already empty */
u8 ST_DebugRemoveId(u8 id);

/* Removes Variable with given name from DEBUGVars array */
/* Takes name of variable */
/* Returns 1 when the variable was cleared */
/*   Returns 0 when there is no variable by that name */
u8 ST_DebugRemoveName(char *name);

/* Removes last variable from DEBUGVars array */
/* Returns index of cleared variable */
/*   Returns -1 when all indexes are open */
s8 ST_DebugRemoveLast(void);

/* DebugPrints the given id in the DEBUGVars array */
/* Takes id of variable */
/* Returns pointer of var (void *) */
void *ST_DebugPrintVarId(u8 id);

/* Just runs ST_DebugPrintVarId but sets the cursor position first */
/* Takes id of variable, x of cursor, and y of cursor */
/* Returns pointer of var (void *) */
void *ST_DebugPrintVarIdPosition(u8 id, s8 x, s8 y);

/* DebugPrints the given name in the DEBUGVars array */
/* Takes name of variable in DEBUGVars */
/* Returns pointer of var (void *) */
void *ST_DebugPrintVarName(char *name);

/* Just runs ST_DebugPrintVarName but sets the cursor position first */
/* Takes name of variable, x of cursor, and y of cursor */
/* Returns pointer of var (void *) */
void *ST_DebugPrintVarNamePosition(char *name, s8 x, s8 y);

/* DebugPrints all variables in the DEBUGVars array */
void ST_DebugPrintVarAll(void);

/* DebugPrints all variables in the DEBUGVars array at given x and y */
/* Takes x and y of cursor */
void ST_DebugPrintVarAllPosition(s8 x, s8 y);

/* DebugPrints all variables in the DEBUGVars array until given id */
/* Takes max id of array to be printed */
void ST_DebugPrintVarAllUntil(u8 max);

/* DebugPrints all variables in the DEBUGVars array at given x and y */
/* Takes max id of array to be printed and x and y of cursor */
void ST_DebugPrintVarAllUntilPosition(u8 max, s8 x, s8 y);

/* DebugPrints all variables in the DEBUGVars array starting at given id */
/* Takes starting id of array to be printed */
void ST_DebugPrintVarAllFrom(u8 start);

/* DebugPrints all variables in the DEBUGVars array starting at given id */
/*   at given x and y */
/* Takes starting id of array to be printed and x and y of cursor */
void ST_DebugPrintVarAllFromPosition(u8 start, s8 x, s8 y);

/* DebugPrints all variables in the DEBUGVars array starting at given id */
/*   and ending at given id */
/* Takes starting and ending ids of array to be printed */
void ST_DebugPrintVarAllFromUntil(u8 start, u8 max);

/* DebugPrints all variables in the DEBUGVars array starting at given id */
/*   and ending at given id at given x and y */
/* Takes starting and ending ids of array to be printed and x and y of cursor */
void ST_DebugPrintVarAllFromUntilPosition(u8 start, u8 max, s8 x, s8 y);

/* Scrolls up on the Debug Variable list */
/* Takes number of lines to scroll by */
/* Returns number of lines scrolled */
u8 ST_DebugScrollUp(s8 scroll);

/* Scrolls down on the Debug Variable list */
/* Takes number of lines to scroll by */
/* Returns number of lines scrolled */
u8 ST_DebugScrollDown(s8 scroll);

/* Returns DEBUGScroll */
u8 ST_DebugGetScroll(void);

/* Clears the console */
void ST_DebugClear(void);

/* Displays generic debug info if DEBUG is on */
/* Returns 1 if debug was on and 0 if it was off */
u16 ST_DebugDisplay(void);

Button Debugging

/* Displays status of A button */
/* Will print [ ] and return 0 if A is up */
/* Will print <A> and return 1 when A is pressed */
/* Will print [A] and return 2 if A is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonA(void);

/* Displays status of B button */
/* Will print [ ] and return 0 if B is up */
/* Will print <B> and return 1 when B is pressed */
/* Will print [B] and return 2 if B is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonB(void);

/* Displays status of X button */
/* Will print [ ] and return 0 if X is up */
/* Will print <X> and return 1 when X is pressed */
/* Will print [X] and return 2 if X is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonX(void);

/* Displays status of Y button */
/* Will print [ ] and return 0 if Y is up */
/* Will print <Y> and return 1 when Y is pressed */
/* Will print [Y] and return 2 if Y is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonY(void);

/* Displays status of Start button */
/* Will print [  ] and return 0 if Start is up */
/* Will print <St> and return 1 when Start is pressed */
/* Will print [St] and return 2 if Start is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonStart(void);

/* Displays status of Select button */
/* Will print [  ] and return 0 if Select is up */
/* Will print <Se> and return 1 when Select is pressed */
/* Will print [Se] and return 2 if Select is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonSelect(void);

/* Displays status of R button */
/* Will print [ ] and return 0 if R is up */
/* Will print <R> and return 1 when R is pressed */
/* Will print [R] and return 2 if R is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonR(void);

/* Displays status of L button */
/* Will print [ ] and return 0 if L is up */
/* Will print <L> and return 1 when L is pressed */
/* Will print [L] and return 2 if L is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonL(void);

/* Displays status of Dpad's Up button */
/* Will print [ ] and return 0 if Up is up */
/* Will print <^> and return 1 when Up is pressed */
/* Will print [^] and return 2 if Up is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonDUp(void);

/* Displays status of Dpad's Right button */
/* Will print [ ] and return 0 if Right is up */
/* Will print <>> and return 1 when Right is pressed */
/* Will print [>] and return 2 if Right is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonDRight(void);

/* Displays status of Dpad's Down button */
/* Will print [ ] and return 0 if Down is up */
/* Will print <v> and return 1 when Down is pressed */
/* Will print [v] and return 2 if Down is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonDDown(void);

/* Displays status of Dpad's Left button */
/* Will print [ ] and return 0 if Left is up */
/* Will print <<> and return 1 when Left is pressed */
/* Will print [<] and return 2 if Left is down */
u8 ST_DebugButtonDLeft(void);

/* Displays status of all buttons */
/* Will print a formatted set of all buttons using the above functions */
void ST_DebugButtonFormatted(void);

/* Displays status of all buttons at given position */
/* Takes X and Y of where to start printing from */
/* Will print a formatted set of all buttons using the above functions */
void ST_DebugButtonFormattedAtPosition(s8 x, s8 y);


/* Enables the Accelerometer and Gyroscope at startup */
/* Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure */
u8 ST_InputInit(void);

/* Scans Keys down, held, and up as well as circle and touch positions */
/*   All values are stored in static variables */
void ST_InputScan(void);

/* Checks for if a button was just pressed. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
/* Takes key value enum from ctrulib to check */
/* Returns 1 if the button has just been pressed. 0 if not */
u8 ST_InputButtonPressed(u32 key);

/* Checks for if a button is being pressed. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
/* Takes key value enum from ctrulib to check */
/* Returns 1 if the button is currently down. 0 if not */
u8 ST_InputButtonDown(u32 key);

/* Checks for if a button was just released. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
/* Takes key value enum from ctrulib to check */
/* Returns 1 if the button was just released. 0 if not */
u8 ST_InputButtonReleased(u32 key);

/* Returns X position of touch. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
/* Returns -1 if the touch screen is currently not being touched */
s16 ST_InputTouchX(void);

/* Returns Y position of touch. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
/* Returns -1 if the touch screen is currently not being touched */
s16 ST_InputTouchY(void);

/* Returns X position of where the touch started. */
/*   Requires ST_InputScan before it */
/* Returns -1 if the touch screen is currently not being touched */
s16 ST_InputTouchOriginX(void);

/* Returns Y position of where the touch started. */
/*   Requires ST_InputScan before it */
/* Returns -1 if the touch screen is currently not being touched */
s16 ST_InputTouchOriginY(void);

/* Returns X difference between where the touch is and where it started. */
/*   Requires ST_InputScan before it */
/* Returns -1 if the touch screen is currently not being touched */
s16 ST_InputTouchDistanceX(void);

/* Returns Y difference between where the touch is and where it started. */
/*   Requires ST_InputScan before it */
/* Returns -1 if the touch screen is currently not being touched */
s16 ST_InputTouchDistanceY(void);

/* Returns distance between where the touch is and where it started. */
/*   Requires ST_InputScan before it */
/* Returns -1 if the touch screen is currently not being touched */
s16 ST_InputTouchDistance(void);

/* Returns length of line drawn on touchscreen. */
/*   Requires ST_InputScan before it */
/* Returns -1 if the touch screen is currently not being touched */
s64 ST_InputTouchLength(void);

/* Returns X position of Circle Pad. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
s16 ST_InputCirclePadX(void);

/* Returns Y position of Circle Pad. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
s16 ST_InputCirclePadY(void);

/* Returns Accelerometer Vector. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
accelVector ST_InputAccel(void);

/* Returns x of Accelerometer Vector. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
s16 ST_InputAccelX(void);

/* Returns y of Accelerometer Vector. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
s16 ST_InputAccelY(void);

/* Returns z of Accelerometer Vector. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
s16 ST_InputAccelZ(void);

/* Returns Gyroscope's angular Rate. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
angularRate ST_InputGyro(void);

/* Returns x of Gyroscope's angular Rate. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
s16 ST_InputGyroRoll(void);

/* Returns y of Gyroscope's angular Rate. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
s16 ST_InputGyroYaw(void);

/* Returns z of Gyroscope's angular Rate. Requires ST_InputScan before it */
s16 ST_InputGyroPitch(void);


Standard Foreground Colors

/* Sets foreground to black */
void ST_TextBlackFore(void);

/* Sets foreground to red */
void ST_TextRedFore(void);

/* Sets foreground to green */
void ST_TextGreenFore(void);

/* Sets foreground to yellow */
void ST_TextYellowFore(void);

/* Sets foreground to blue */
void ST_TextBlueFore(void);

/* Sets foreground to magenta */
void ST_TextMagentaFore(void);

/* Sets foreground to cyan */
void ST_TextCyanFore(void);

/* Sets foreground to white */
void ST_TextWhiteFore(void);

/* Sets foreground to the default color */
void ST_TextDefaultFore(void);

Standard Background Colors

/* Sets background to black */
void ST_TextBlackBack(void);

/* Sets background to red */
void ST_TextRedBack(void);

/* Sets background to green */
void ST_TextGreenBack(void);

/* Sets background to yellow */
void ST_TextYellowBack(void);

/* Sets background to blue */
void ST_TextBlueBack(void);

/* Sets background to magenta */
void ST_TextMagentaBack(void);

/* Sets background to cyan */
void ST_TextCyanBack(void);

/* Sets background to white */
void ST_TextWhiteBack(void);

/* Sets background to the default color */
void ST_TextDefaultBack(void);


/* Sets foreground to be a brighter shade */
void ST_TextBright(void);

/* Sets foreground to be a darker shade */
void ST_TextDark(void);

/* Sets foreground to be a standard shade */
void ST_TextNoBright(void);

/* Turns on underlining */
void ST_TextUnderline(void);

/* Turns off underlining */
void ST_TextNoUnderline(void);

/* Turns on inverted colors (background <-> foreground) */
void ST_TextNegative(void);

/* Turns off inverted colors (background <-> foreground) */
void ST_TextPositive(void);

/* Turns on strikethrough */
void ST_TextStrikethrough(void);

/* Turns off strikethrough */
void ST_TextNoStrikethrough(void);

/* Text with all default settings */
void ST_TextDefault(void);


/* Load spritesheet from image */
/* Takes image */
/* Returns pointer to st_spritesheet */
st_spritesheet *ST_SpritesheetCreateSpritesheet(const unsigned char *pixel_data,
    unsigned int width, unsigned int height);

/* Free spritesheet */
/* Takes st_spritesheet */
void ST_SpritesheetFreeSpritesheet(st_spritesheet *spritesheet);


General Functions

/* Inits rendering */
/* Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure */
u8 ST_RenderInit(void);

/* Finishes rendering */
u8 ST_RenderFini(void);

/* Start frame */
/* Takes screen (GFX_TOP or GFX_BOTTOM) */
void ST_RenderStartFrame(gfxScreen_t screen);

/* Ends rendering the current frame (for both screens) */
void ST_RenderEndRender(void);

/* Returns current screen */
gfxScreen_t ST_RenderCurrentScreen(void);

/* Returns current fps */
float ST_RenderFPS(void);

/* Sets background to given color */
void ST_RenderSetBackground(u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue);

/* Returns background color in the RGBA8 format */
u32 ST_RenderGetBackground(void);

Render Spritesheets

/* Draw Spritesheet at Position */
/* Takes spritesheet and x and y of position to render on screen */
void ST_RenderSpritesheetPosition(st_spritesheet *spritesheet, s64 x, s64 y);

/* Draw Spritesheet at 0,0 */
/* Takes spritesheet */
void ST_RenderSpritesheet(st_spritesheet *spritesheet);

/* Draw Sprite in Spritesheet at Position */
/* Takes spritesheet */
/*   Takes x and y of the top left pixel of the sprite in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes width and height of the sprite in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes position to print the sprite on screen */
void ST_RenderSpritePosition(st_spritesheet *spritesheet,
  u32 xleft, u32 ytop,
  u32 width, u32 height,
  s64 x, s64 y);

/* Draw Sprite in Spritesheet at 0,0 */
/* Takes spritesheet */
/*   Takes x and y of the top left pixel of the sprite in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes width and height of the sprite in the spritesheet */
void ST_RenderSprite(st_spritesheet *spritesheet,
  u32 xleft, u32 ytop,
  u32 width, u32 height);

/* Draw Scaled Sprite in Spritesheet at Position */
/* Takes spritesheet */
/*   Takes x and y of the top left pixel of the sprite in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes width and height of the sprite in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes position to print the sprite on screen */
/*   Takes value to scale by */
void ST_RenderSpritePositionScale(st_spritesheet *spritesheet,
  u32 xleft, u32 ytop,
  u32 width, u32 height,
  s64 x, s64 y,
  double scale);

/* Draw Rotated Sprite in Spritesheet at Position */
/* Takes spritesheet */
/*   Takes x and y of the top left pixel of the sprite in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes width and height of the sprite in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes position to print the sprite on screen */
/*   Takes radian value to rotate by */
void ST_RenderSpritePositionRotate(st_spritesheet *spritesheet,
  u32 xleft, u32 ytop,
  u32 width, u32 height,
  s64 x, s64 y,
  double rotate);

/* Draw Scaled and Rotated Sprite in Spritesheet at Position */
/* Takes spritesheet */
/*   Takes x and y of the top left pixel of the sprite in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes width and height of the sprite in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes position to print the sprite on screen */
/*   Takes value to scale by */
/*   Takes value to rotate by */
void ST_RenderSpritePositionScaleRotate(st_spritesheet *spritesheet,
  u32 xleft, u32 ytop,
  u32 width, u32 height,
  s64 x, s64 y,
  double scale,
  double rotate);

/* Draw Scaled, Rotated, and Blended Sprite in Spritesheet at Position */
/* Takes spritesheet */
/*   Takes x and y of the top left pixel of the sprite in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes width and height of the sprite in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes position to print the sprite on screen */
/*   Takes value to scale by */
/*   Takes value to rotate by */
/*   Takes color to blend with (rgba8) */
void ST_RenderSpriteAdvanced(st_spritesheet *spritesheet,
  u32 xleft, u32 ytop,
  u32 width, u32 height,
  s64 x, s64 y,
  double scale,
  double rotate,
  u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue, u8 alpha);

Render Frames

/* Draw frame at given position */
/* Takes spritesheet and position at which to draw */
void ST_RenderFramePosition(st_frame *frame, s64 x, s64 y);

/* Draw scaled frame at given position */
/* Takes spritesheet, position at which to draw and a scalar multiplier */
void ST_RenderFrameScale(st_frame *frame, s64 x, s64 y, double scale);

/* Draw rotated frame at given position */
/* Takes spritesheet, position at which to draw and a rotation in radians */
void ST_RenderFrameRotate(st_frame *frame, s64 x, s64 y, double rotate);

/* Draw scaled, rotated, and blended frame at given position */
/* Takes spritesheet and position at which to draw */
/*   Takes scalar multiplier and rotation in radians */
/*   Takes red, green, blue, and alpha of color to blend */
void ST_RenderFramePositionAdvanced(st_frame *frame, s64 x, s64 y,
  double scale, double rotate,
  u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue, u8 alpha);

Render Animations

/* Draw the current frame of an animation at given position */
/* Takes a pointer to an animation and a position */
void ST_RenderAnimationCurrent(st_animation *animation, s64 x, s64 y);

/* Draw the next frame of an animation at given position */
/*   Also adds 1 to the current frame */
/* Takes a pointer to an animation and a position */
void ST_RenderAnimationNext(st_animation *animation, s64 x, s64 y);

/* Draw the previous frame of an animation at given position */
/*   Also subtracts 1 from the current frame */
/* Takes a pointer to an animation and a position */
void ST_RenderAnimationPrevious(st_animation *animation, s64 x, s64 y);

/* Plays an animation at given position */
/*   This also accounts for the animation's speed */
/* Takes a pointer to an animation and a position */
void ST_RenderAnimationPlay(st_animation *animation, s64 x, s64 y);

/* The following functions also take a scalar multiplier, */
/*   rotation in radians, and red, green, blue, and alpha of a */
/*   color to blend with */

void ST_RenderAnimationCurrentAdvanced(st_animation *animation, s64 x, s64 y,
  double scale, double rotate,
  u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue, u8 alpha);

void ST_RenderAnimationNextAdvanced(st_animation *animation, s64 x, s64 y,
  double scale, double rotate,
  u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue, u8 alpha);

void ST_RenderAnimationPreviousAdvanced(st_animation *animation, s64 x, s64 y,
  double scale, double rotate,
  u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue, u8 alpha);

void ST_RenderAnimationPlayAdvanced(st_animation *animation, s64 x, s64 y,
  double scale, double rotate,
  u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue, u8 alpha);

Entity Rendering

/* Plays the current animation of an entity by name */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity */
/* Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure */
u8 ST_RenderEntity(st_entity *entity);


/* Displays splashscreen */
/* Takes time to display in ms */
void ST_Splashscreen(u64 time);


Frame Functions

/* Returns a pointer to a frame */
/*   Returns NULL if failed */
/* Takes a pointer to a spritesheet */
/*   Takes the position of the frame in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes the dimensions of the frame */
st_frame *ST_AnimationCreateFrame(st_spritesheet *spritesheet,
  u32 xleft, u32 ytop, u32 width, u32 height);

/* Returns a pointer to a frame */
/*   Returns NULL if failed */
/* Takes a pointer to a spritesheet */
/*   Takes the position of the frame in the spritesheet */
/*   Takes the dimensions of the frame */
/*   Takes offset for rendering (hotspot) */
st_frame *ST_AnimationCreateFrameOffset(st_spritesheet *spritesheet,
  u32 xleft, u32 ytop, u32 width, u32 height, s32 xoff, s32 yoff);

/* Frees frame from memory */
/* Takes a pointer to a frame */
void ST_AnimationFreeFrame(st_frame *frame);

Animation Functions

/* Returns a pointer to an animation */
/*   Returns NULL if failed */
/* Takes speed of animation (in frames between each frame of animation) */
/*   Takes frame to loop to when the animation has reached its end */
/*   Takes length of animation in frames */
/*   Takes a list of pointers to frames */
st_animation *ST_AnimationCreateAnimation(s16 fpf, u16 loopFrame,
  u16 length, ...);

/* Frees an animation and all of its frames from memory */
/* Takes a pointer to an animation */
void ST_AnimationFreeAnimation(st_animation *animation);

/* Sets the current frame of an animation */
/* Takes a pointer to an animation and frame to go to */
void ST_AnimationSetFrame(st_animation *animation, u16 frame);

/* Adds 1 to the current frame of an animation. Wraps to 0 if needed */
/* Takes a pointer to an animation */
void ST_AnimationNextFrame(st_animation *animation);

/* Subs 1 from the current frame of an animation */
/*   Wraps to the last frame if needed */
/* Takes a pointer to an animation */
void ST_AnimationPreviousFrame(st_animation *animation);

/* Sets the speed (fpf) of an animation */
/* Takes a pointer to an animation and frame to go to */
void ST_AnimationSetSpeed(st_animation *animation, s16 speed);


/* Inits times */
u8 ST_TimeInit(void);

/* Returns time since program started in ms */
u64 ST_TimeRunning(void);

/* Returns time (since January 1st, 1990) when the program started in ms */
u64 ST_TimeStarted(void);

/* Returns time since January 1st, 1990 in ms */
u64 ST_TimeOS(void);


Entity Creation

/* Returns a pointer to an entity */
/*   Returns NULL if failed */
/* Takes a position and number of animations */
st_entity *ST_EntityCreateEntity(s64 x, s64 y, u8 animCount);

/* Frees frame from memory */
/* Takes a pointer to a frame */
void ST_EntityFreeEntity(st_entity *entity);

/* Adds an animation to an entity */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity, a pointer to an animation, */
/*   and a name for the animation */
/* Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure */
u8 ST_EntityAddAnimation(st_entity *entity, st_animation *anim, char *name);

Setting Values

/* Sets the x position of a given entity */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a position */
void ST_EntitySetXPosition(st_entity *entity, s64 x);

/* Sets the y position of a given entity */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a position */
void ST_EntitySetYPosition(st_entity *entity, s64 y);

/* Sets the position of a given entity */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a position */
void ST_EntitySetPosition(st_entity *entity, s64 x, s64 y);

/* Sets the scale of an entity */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a scale */
void ST_EntitySetScale(st_entity *entity, double scale);

/* Sets the rotation of an entity */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a rotation value */
void ST_EntitySetRotation(st_entity *entity, double rotation);

/* Sets the red value of the color to blend an entity with when rendering */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a red value */
void ST_EntitySetRed(st_entity *entity, u8 red);

/* Sets the green value of the color to blend an entity with when rendering */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a green value */
void ST_EntitySetGreen(st_entity *entity, u8 green);

/* Sets the blue value of the color to blend an entity with when rendering */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a blue value */
void ST_EntitySetBlue(st_entity *entity, u8 blue);

/* Sets the alpha value of the color to blend an entity with when rendering */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a alpha value */
void ST_EntitySetAlpha(st_entity *entity, u8 alpha);

/* Sets the values of the color to blend an entity with when rendering */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and red, green, blue, and alpha values */
void ST_EntitySetColor(st_entity *entity, u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue, u8 alpha);

/* Sets the direction of an entity */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a direction */
/* Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure */
u8 ST_EntitySetDirection(st_entity *entity, char *dir);

/* Sets the direction of an entity */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a direction id */
/*   0 = east */
/*   1 = south east */
/*   2 = south */
/*   3 = south west */
/*   4 = west */
/*   5 = north west */
/*   6 = north */
/*   7 = north east */
/* Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure */
u8 ST_EntitySetDirectionId(st_entity *entity, u8 dir);

/* Sets the current animation of an entity by name */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and the name of the animation to set */
/* Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure */
u8 ST_EntitySetAnimationName(st_entity *entity, char *name);

/* Sets the current animation of an entity by id */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and the id of the animation to set */
/* Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure */
u8 ST_EntitySetAnimationId(st_entity *entity, u8 id);

Modifying Values

/* Modifies the x position of a given entity by a given amount */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and an amount to change the position by */
void ST_EntityModifyXPosition(st_entity *entity, s64 x);

/* Modifies the y position of a given entity by a given amount */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and an amount to change the position by */
void ST_EntityModifyYPosition(st_entity *entity, s64 y);

/* Modifies the position of a given entity by a given amount */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and an amount to change the position by */
void ST_EntityModifyPosition(st_entity *entity, s64 x, s64 y);

/* Modifies the scale of an entity by a given amount */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a value to modify its scale by */
void ST_EntityModifyScale(st_entity *entity, double scale);

/* Modifies the rotation of an entity by a given amount */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a value to modify its rotation by */
void ST_EntityModifyRotation(st_entity *entity, double rotation);

/* Modifies the red of the blend color of an entity by a given amount */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a red value */
void ST_EntityModifyRed(st_entity *entity, u8 red);

/* Modifies the green of the blend color of an entity by a given amount */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a green value */
void ST_EntityModifyGreen(st_entity *entity, u8 green);

/* Modifies the blue of the blend color of an entity by a given amount */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a blue value */
void ST_EntityModifyBlue(st_entity *entity, u8 blue);

/* Modifies the alpha of the blend color of an entity by a given amount */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a alpha value */
void ST_EntityModifyAlpha(st_entity *entity, u8 alpha);

/* Modifies the values of the blend color of an entity by a given amount */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and red, green, blue, and alpha values */
void ST_EntityModifyColor(st_entity *entity,
  u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue, u8 alpha);

/* Modifies the direction of an entity */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and a value to turn by */
/*   Positive turns right, negative turns left */
void ST_EntityModifyDirection(st_entity *entity, s8 dir);

Non-Wrapping Modifying Values

/* The following are just like the above, but they will not wrap */
/*   (Values greater than the maximum will be reduced to the maximum) */
/*   (Values lower than the minimum will be raised to the minimum) */

void ST_EntityModifyRotationNoWrap(st_entity *entity, double rotation);

void ST_EntityModifyRedNoWrap(st_entity *entity, u8 red);

void ST_EntityModifyGreenNoWrap(st_entity *entity, u8 green);

void ST_EntityModifyBlueNoWrap(st_entity *entity, u8 blue);

void ST_EntityModifyAlphaNoWrap(st_entity *entity, u8 alpha);

void ST_EntityModifyColorNoWrap(st_entity *entity,
  u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue, u8 alpha);


/* Turns on a given flag (sets it to 1) */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and the id of the flag */
void ST_EntityFlagOn(st_entity *entity, u8 flag);

/* Turns off a given flag (sets it to 0) */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and the id of the flag */
void ST_EntityFlagOff(st_entity *entity, u8 flag);

/* Toggles the given flag (1->0 and 0->1) */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and the id of the flag */
void ST_EntityFlagToggle(st_entity *entity, u8 flag);

/* Returns the current state of a flag (1 or 0) */
/* Takes a pointer to an entity and the id of the flag */
u8 ST_EntityFlagGet(st_entity *entity, u8 flag);



typedef enum {
} ST_PointerType;

typedef struct NamedPointer {
  char *name;
  void *pointer;
  ST_PointerType type;
} ST_NamedPointer;


/* Frame of animation from a spritesheet */
typedef struct {
  st_spritesheet *spritesheet;
  u32 xleft;
  u32 ytop;
  u32 width;
  u32 height;
  s32 xoff;
  s32 yoff;
} st_frame;

/* Animation of frames */
typedef struct {
  s16 fpf; /* Number of frames to wait between each frame of animation */
  u16 ftn; /* Counts number of frames between displayed frame */
  u16 loopFrame; /* Frame to jump to when an animation loops */
  u16 length; /* Number of frames in the animation */
  st_frame **frames;
  u16 currentFrame;
} st_animation;


/* Entity with a ton of rendering info */
typedef struct {
  st_animation **animations;
  char **names;
  char *dir;
  s64 xpos;
  s64 ypos;
  double scale;
  double rotation;
  u32 flags;
  u8 animationCount;
  u8 totalAnims;
  u8 currentAnim;
  u8 red;
  u8 green;
  u8 blue;
  u8 alpha;
} st_entity;



/* Current version of SpriteTools */
#define SPRITETOOLS_VERSION "Release 2.1"

/* Maximum number of variables that can be debugged at once */
#define ST_DEBUG_MAX_VAR 64


/* Temporary define until this is split from sf2d */
#define st_spritesheet sf2d_texture
/* image structure */
#define st_image struct {\
  unsigned int width;\
  unsigned int height;\
  unsigned int bytes_per_pixel;\
  unsigned char pixel_data[];\