- Online URL: https://share.streamlit.io/cmu-ids-2022/final-project-champion/main/app.py
- Team members:
- Contact person: [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- Completed data processing page and generating ratio between housing and rental price.
- Completed all the visualizations under the US National Wide page.
- Completed the starting story page.
- Completed all the visualizations in the rental price page under the US City Wide page including data preprocessing of rental prices in each city, geojson graphs and word cloud.
- Completed all the visualizations in the other factors page under the US City Wide page.
- The URL at the top of this readme needs to point to your application online. It should also list the names of the team members.
- A completed proposal. Each student should submit the URL that points to this file in their github repo on Canvas.
- Develop sketches/prototype of your project.
- Sketches can be found insider the proposal
- All code for the project should be in the repo.
- Update the Online URL above to point to your deployed project.
- A detailed project report. Each student should submit the URL that points to this file in their github repo on Canvas.
- A 5 minute video demonstration. Upload the video to this github repo and link to it from your report.