This package is no longer maintained here, and has been moved to ecephys.emg_from_lfp
Derive EMG from LFP through correlation of highfrequency activity.
This code is basically a Python translation and readaptation of the
bz_EMGFromLFP.m function from Buzsaki's lab.
Based on Erik Schomburg's and code and work, published in `Theta Phase
Segregation of Input-Specific Gamma Patterns in Entorhinal-Hippocampal Networks,
Schomburg et al., Neuron 2014.``
Tom Bugnon, 01/2020
- Clone, fork, or download this package
# From the `emg_from_lfp` directory you just downloaded
pip install -e .
Copy the default configuration file (
) -
Manually set the parameters for the copied config file.
- From the command line (make sure you're in your virtualenvironment)
python -m emg_from_lfp <path_to_config_file>
- From python:
import emg_from_lfp{config_dict}) # See function docstring
- Load the computed data with
import emg_from_lfp
# Load
<path_to_EMGdata>, tStart=None, tEnd=None, desired_length=None