- Please move .vimrc and .vim to your home.
- After you open vim, you should execute :BundleUpdate for the first time.
F2 : copen a window and automatically type :Ack "pattern you want"
F3 : NERD_tree for going to specific path
F4 : List all symbols under editing file
Ctr + p : file/buffer finder(using ctrlp)
key mapping:
g h : mapping ctr + w h
g j : mapping ctr + w j
g k : mapping ctr + w k
g l : mapping ctr + w l -
You can try a couple of complete:
Ctr + ] , Ctr + n, Ctr + p if(tab) , for(tab), switch(tab), do(tab), while(tab) will automatically show as below
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (true) {
switch (/* variable */) { case :
do {
} while (/* condition */);
while (/* condition */) {