This is a patched version of Linux, that supports automatic replication of memory pages. This mechanism has been used in "Traffic Management: A Holistic Approach to Memory Placement on NUMA Systems", a paper published at ASPLOS in 2013 (
The configuration file used for our experiments is 'config-bench'.
There are a few options that can be tuned in file "include/linux/replicate-options.h". Of course, you need to reinstall the kernel after changing an option. Default options are those we used for the ASPLOS paper.
If you want to see how replication can be used with madvise, take a look at our stresstests in folder tools/replication. Note that we slightly changed the behavior of madvise when replicating pages. It is performed asynchronously.
If you want to use it with Carrefour, you will have to take a look at two others projects: carrefour-module: carrefour-runtime:
This patch has only been tested on 2/4 nodes AMD NUMA architectures. Nevertheless, we are confident that it should work on others X86 architectures.
Vmalloc does not work properly as soon as a pgd has been replicated.