Creates an animated gif image that counts down to a specific date and time for use in email campaigns. This only simulates a countdown clock in that it displays 60 frames and then it starts again.
- time* - Date & time when your countdown will end [e.g. 2018-12-31+23:59:59]
- color - Hex colour code for the text [default = 000000 (black)]
- bg - Hex colour code for the background [default = ffffff (white)]
- fontname - File name for the font to be used. The ttf file must be loaded into the /fonts folder [default = arial.ttf]
- fontsize - Point size of the font [default = 30]
- frames - Number of frames in the animation. Must be in the range between 60-120 [default = 60]
<img src="" alt="Countdown">