Docker and application files for AI Engine SRE interview.
This repo serves as a simple containerized web application, with no persistent storage requirements or external dependencies. One of the containers serves the application frontend code, and the other containers serve backend APIs.
Aside from cloning the project repository, the one pre-requisite is that you install Docker. We will be using docker compose
to run the containers.
You will start the application from within the project directory with this command, which runs the containers in the background:
docker compose up --detach
You can then go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser to view the application.
The default endpoint, /
, serves a simple web application with a broken button. It is your job to fix the web app.
You can list the running containers with the command:
docker container ls
To view the console logs for a given container, use the command:
docker logs -f <container_name>