Script to ingest common data formats to citrination. It uses an extention architecture to import and evaluate converters defined in other pacakages, e.g. pif-dft and sparks-pif-converters.
Install this ingestor and all known public converters:
$ pip install pif-ingestor[all]
This will place an executable pif-ingestor
in your bin directory (or the bin directory of your virtualenv).
- dfttopif (ingests VASP and Quantum Espresso calculations)
- csv_template_ingester (ingests CSV files with PIF field information in the header)
$ usage: pif-ingestor [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-r] [-d DATASET]
[--tags TAGS [TAGS ...]] [-l LICENSE] [-c CONTACT]
[-z ZIP] [-t TAR] [--globus-collection GLOBUS_COLLECTION]
Ingest data files to Citrination
positional arguments:
path Location of the file or directory to import
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
Format of data to import, coresponding to the name of
the converter extension. "auto" will try installed
ingesters until one works. "merge" will try all
installed ingesters and try to merge the results into
a single PIF.
-r, --recursive Recursively walk through path, ingesting all valid
-d DATASET, --dataset DATASET
ID of the dataset into which to upload PIFs
--tags TAGS [TAGS ...]
Tags to add to PIFs
-l LICENSE, --license LICENSE
License to attach to PIFs (string)
-c CONTACT, --contact CONTACT
Contact information (string)
-z ZIP, --zip ZIP Zip to this file
-t TAR, --tar TAR Tar to this file
--globus-collection GLOBUS_COLLECTION
Globus Publish collection to upload files
-m META, --meta META Meta-data in common format
Arguments to pass to converter (as JSON dictionary)
Convert a VASP file, generating a quality report, and upload it to datasetID 7:
$ pif-ingestor B.hR12 -f dft -d 7 --args='{"quality_report" : true}'
For users: check out the citrination-users google group.
For developers: use issues and pull requests.