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update icon library #25

update icon library

update icon library #25

# Build icon library, create zip file for release and commit to current branch
name: update icon library
- release-*
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repo
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup Node.js environment
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: '20.3.1'
registry-url: ''
# Don't do anything if we're on development, main or master branches
- name: Check branch
run: |
if [[ $GITHUB_REF == refs/heads/development || $GITHUB_REF == refs/heads/master || $GITHUB_REF == refs/heads/main ]]; then
echo "Development, master pr main branch, skipping icon library build"
exit 1
# Don't do anything if we're on release-x.x.x AND the icon-kit has the same version number (already built for the release)
# Skip this step if workflow was triggered by workflow_dispatch
- name: Check if icon library has already been built for this release
if: github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch'
run: |
PKG_VER=`node -pe "require('./packages/react/package.json').version"`
ICON_KIT_VER=`sed -n -E 's/.*version[[:space:]]+([0-9]+([.][0-9]+)*).*/\1/p' ./release/icon-kit-template-CHANGELOG.txt`
if [[ ${PKG_VER} == ${ICON_KIT_VER} ]]; then
echo "Icon library has already been built for this release, skipping"
exit 0
- name: Run Glypfig
run: |
npx glypfig \
--apikey $API_KEY \
--filekey $FILE_KEY \
--nodeid $NODE_ID \
--format png,svg,css,react \
--optimize \
--template tsx \
--csspath './release/icon-kit-template-css.eta' \
--jspath './release/icon-kit-template-react-tsx.eta' \
--cssprefix '' \
--license './release/LICENSE.txt' \
--pngscale 2.66 \
--filter 'Size=S'
API_KEY: ${{ secrets.HDS_ICON_KIT }}
FILE_KEY: 'Kxwg3R0zNRHj55nQqFu6VS'
NODE_ID: '172:2478'
- name: Append React interface into index file
run: |
echo -e "export { IconProps } from './Icon.interface';\n" | \
cat - ./icon-library/react/tsx/index.ts > temp && mv temp ./icon-library/react/tsx/index.ts
- name: Bump version in Changelog
run: |
PKG_VER=`node -pe "require('./packages/react/package.json').version"`
sed -i -E "s/version [0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}/version ${PKG_VER}/" ./release/icon-kit-template-CHANGELOG.txt
- name: Copy Changelog file to icon library
run: cp ./release/icon-kit-template-CHANGELOG.txt ./icon-library/CHANGELOG.txt
- name: Create release zip file
uses: TheDoctor0/[email protected]
filename: 'release/'
path: './icon-library'
- name: Copy svg files to repo folders
run: cp ./icon-library/svg/* ./packages/core/src/svg
- name: Copy css files to repo folders
run: cp ./icon-library/css/* ./packages/core/src/icons
- name: Copy react files to repo folders
run: cp ./icon-library/react/tsx/* ./packages/react/src/icons
- name: Install React package NPM dependencies
run: (cd ./packages/react && yarn)
- name: Lint React files
run: npx prettier --write './packages/react/src/icons/*.{ts,tsx}'
- name: Code analysis for React files
run: npx eslint --debug -c './packages/react/.eslintrc.json' --ignore-path './packages/react/.eslintignore' --fix './packages/react/src/icons/*.{ts,tsx}'
- name: Remove icon library build directory
run: rm -rf ./icon-library
- name: Commit changed files
run: |
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "Github Actions"
git add .
git commit -m 'Updated icon library'
git push