Teachers' user interface for Palvelutarjotin
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
Production environment:
- https://kultus.hel.fi/
- Triggered by creation of release-* tag, e.g.
- Needs to be manually approved in pipeline to be deployed
Staging environment:
- https://kultus-ui.stage.hel.ninja/
- Automatically deployed by creation of release-* tag, e.g.
Testing environment:
- https://kultus-ui.test.hel.ninja/
- Automatically deployed by any change to master branch
- Node 20.x
- Yarn
- Git
- Docker
- Set up palvelutarjotin API locally, see palvelutarjotin README
- Copy
and fill/update the required values - Run
to install dependencies - Run
yarn dev
to start the development server
Palvelutarjotin-ui uses googles reCAPTCHA v3:
is required to be set correctly for the application to work.- Site key
from reCAPTCHA FAQ works fine for local development even though the key is for reCAPTCHA v2.
- Site key
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000/ to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Builds the app for production to the build
Runs the built app in the production mode.
Open http://localhost:3000/ to view it in the browser.
Codegen settings in codegen.yml
Generate static types for GraphQL queries by using the schema from the backend server.
- Kultus API URL to can be defined to
variable - Headless CMS API URL to
- Unified search API URL to
- Newsletter API URL to
- Newsletter APIKEY to
Run linter to all the files in app
Fix all the linter errors
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
Run relevant test based on changes sinces last commit, used in husky git commit hook
Run tests and generate coverage report
Debug tests
Running browser tests against test environment
Browser tests are written in TypeScript with TestCafe framework.
Running browser tests against local environment
Browser tests are written in TypeScript with TestCafe framework.
Run tests and generate coverage report
Note: if storybook is needed, find the deleted files from git log.
(Runs storybook in development mode
Open http://localhost:9009/ to view it in browser)
Note: if storybook is needed, find the deleted files from git log.
(Exports storybook as a static app)
Note: if storybook is needed, find the deleted files from git log.
(Deploys a new version of Storybook. Storybook is used for development and there's no CI/CD pipeline set up.
To verify deployment, open https://city-of-helsinki.github.io/palvelutarjotin-ui/ and check that everything is looking ok.)
This project uses Release Please with Conventional Commits and Semantic Versioning.
To create a new release, merge changes through a pull request to the master branch with commit title starting with:
- "feat" (raises minor version in major.minor.patch version number)
- "fix" (raises patch version in major.minor.patch version number)
- "feat!" (raises major version in major.minor.patch version number)
- "fix!" (raises major version in major.minor.patch version number)
And then merge the release-please pull request that should've been created by the release-please action having been run in GitHub.
Browser tests are written in TypeScript with TestCafe framework.
To debug in VS Code:
- Install the "Debugger for Chrome" extension to VS Code
- Run
yarn dev
- Set a breakpoint
- Run "Chrome" debug configuration in VS Code
- Reload the project in your browser
No plugin is needed.
- Set a breakpoint
- Run the "Run tests" debugger configuration
We recommend using VS Code's debugger.
- Place a
statement in any test - Run yarn
- Open
in Chrome - Select
on you process, press Play and you're good to go.
See more detailed instructions here: https://create-react-app.dev/docs/debugging-tests#debugging-tests-in-chrome
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.