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Essential Test

Essential Test #893

Workflow file for this run

name: Essential Test
# Schedule to run everyday at 6PM UTC (2AM CST)
- cron: '0 18 * * *'
# Cancel previous running jobs on push or pull request
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref || github.event.pull_request.number }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
submodules: true
- name: Print info
run: echo Occlum build environment ${{ }}
shell: bash
- name: Get occlum version
run: echo "OCCLUM_VERSION=$(grep "Version =" src/pal/include/occlum_version.h | awk '{print $4}')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
- name: Create container
run: docker run -itd --name=${{ github.job }} -v $GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/root/occlum occlum/occlum:${{ env.OCCLUM_VERSION }}-ubuntu20.04
shell: bash
- uses: ./.github/workflows/composite_action/prebuild
container-name: ${{ github.job }}
- name: Build dependencies
run: docker exec ${{ github.job }} bash -c "cd /root/occlum; make submodule"
shell: bash
- name: Make install
run: docker exec ${{ github.job }} bash -c "source /opt/intel/sgxsdk/environment; cd /root/occlum; OCCLUM_RELEASE_BUILD=1 make install"
shell: bash
# - uses: ./.github/workflows/composite_action/sim
# with:
# container-name: ${{ github.job }}
# build-envs: 'OCCLUM_RELEASE_BUILD=1'
- name: Check format
run: docker exec ${{ github.job }} bash -c 'cd /root/occlum; info=$(make format-check);
if [[ -n $info ]]; then
echo "Format error detected.";
echo "$info";
exit 1;
- name: Integration test
run: docker exec ${{ github.job }} bash -c "cd /root/occlum; OCCLUM_LOG_LEVEL=trace SGX_MODE=SIM make test"
- name: Integration test with Glibc
run: docker exec ${{ github.job }} bash -c "cd /root/occlum; OCCLUM_LOG_LEVEL=trace SGX_MODE=SIM make test-glibc"
- name: Show failed cases
if: ${{ failure() }}
run: docker exec ${{ github.job }} bash -c "cat /root/occlum/build/test/.fail"
# Make_test_on_centos:
# runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v1
# with:
# submodules: true
# - uses: ./.github/workflows/composite_action/sim
# with:
# container-name: ${{ github.job }}
# build-envs: 'OCCLUM_RELEASE_BUILD=1'
# os: 'centos8.2'
# - name: Check format
# run: docker exec ${{ github.job }} bash -c 'cd /root/occlum; info=$(make format-check);
# if [[ -n $info ]]; then
# echo "Format error detected.";
# echo "$info";
# exit 1;
# fi'
# - name: Integration test
# run: docker exec ${{ github.job }} bash -c "cd /root/occlum; OCCLUM_LOG_LEVEL=trace SGX_MODE=SIM make test"
# - name: Integration test with Glibc
# run: docker exec ${{ github.job }} bash -c "cd /root/occlum; OCCLUM_LOG_LEVEL=trace SGX_MODE=SIM make test-glibc"
# - name: Show failed cases
# if: ${{ failure() }}
# run: docker exec ${{ github.job }} bash -c "cat /root/occlum/build/test/.fail"