Releases: Clinical-Genomics/cg_lims
Release v6.16.4
Format the entire repo with Black and iSort (#469)(patch)
- the formatting of all the Python files in the repository
Release v6.16.3
Update error message for normalization script (#463)
If the concentration of the sample(s) "to be normalized" is lower than the aimed for concentration - the script should list all artifact names this concerns in the error message, and set the sample volume to the user-defined total volume and buffer volume to zero.
Release v6.16.2
patch possible output paths (#462)(patch)
- patched the possible output paths of the flow cell directory to support more Windows hard drive names
Release v6.16.1
Patch TWIST EPPs to take new UDF "Maximum input amount (ng)" into consideration (#457)(patch)
- new functions to fetch the maximum input amount of samples
- the threshold used when assessing input amounts
Release v6.16.0
add new EPP for replacing flow cell output path (#455)(minor)
- A new EPP for replacing broken flow cell output paths.
Release v6.15.0
Add support for 25B and 1.5B flow cells (#453)(minor)
- New constants for 25B and 1.5B flow cells
- New EPP for checking that given process UDFs have been set, cg_lims/EPPs/udf/check/
- New constants file for the
EPPs, cg_lims/EPPs/udf/set/ - New EPP for automatically filling in the default sequencing settings for a given flow cell type, cg_lims/EPPs/udf/set/
- Reworked the way constants were used in cg_lims/EPPs/udf/calculate/
- updated cg_lims/EPPs/udf/calculate/ to use the new constants
Release v6.14.7
Patch calculate amount script for TWIST (#445)(patch)
- Updated the source type names for cell free DNA
Release v6.14.6
Update CODEOWNERS (#444)
Added myself and Amanda Raud as code owners for the cg_lims repository (together with KSV)
Release v6.14.5
Update New workflow in LIMS issue template (#443)
The issue template for creating new workflows in LIMS was outdated so I changed it up a bit
Release v6.14.4
Add option to skip BCL convert sections in sample sheet (#434)(patch)
- The ability to look at the value of the process UDF "DRAGEN Demultiplex", and then decide if a BCL convert section should be added or not.