A Karaoke Player
- Space : Pause / unpause
- F : Fullscreen
- numpad0-9 : speed from 1.0 to 0.1
- Shift numpad0-9 : speed from 1.1 to 2.0
- V : Hide/dhows subtitles
- Left / Right : -/+ 3 seconds,
- Shift + Left / Right : -/+ 15 seconds
- Alt + Left / Right : previous / next frame
- Mousewheel : volume
- E : enable edit mode
- X / C : time
- J / K : -/+ 10 ms on current syllable's begin time
- Alt J / Alt K : -/+ 10 ms on current syllable's end time
- Shift J / Shift K : -/+ 10 ms on current syllable's time (begin + end)
- Alt + Shift J / K : -/+ 10 ms for the entire subtitles
- S : Save subtitles into the json file
- R : Reload the json file (discard any changes if you might have done in the player)
Python3 is heavily recommended for the build scripts to work.
As of 09-2016, Rust nightly is needed for this to build correctly. It is required because of Serde, whohc uses a config opion which is available in nightly only. See The official webiste for a guide on how to install rust for your distribution. This software needs some additional packages, the full list is :
- libmpv (for the video player)
- libsdl2 (for key handling + graphic displayer)
- libsdl2_ttf
- libsdl2_image
If you want to have the correct libraries for the web manager, you have to run this command
python3 bootstrap.py
You will need to copy several .dll files so rust can use them to compile the binary. However, your binary itself will need them too, and won't run if it isn't able to find them. You have 2 options then :
- Put the .dll files in C:\Windows\System32 (this will install that for everyhting in your computer - prefer the other way)
- Put the .dll files in target/debug or in target/release, or anywhere next to the binary. (The binary is named toyunda-player-rs.exe)
Go to the website https://mpv.srsfckn.biz/ and download the "Dev" link of the lastest version of mpv.
Go then place under C:\\Programs\\Rust Nightly GNU 1.13\\lib\\rustlib\\x86\_64-pc-windows-gnu\\lib
the files
*.dll for your architecture from the zip you downloaded from mpv. If you don't know your architecture, it's probably 64bits.
Copy all the .dll files under the same as before rustlib\\lib
folder. Same for sdl2_ttf and sdl2_image below.
For linux packages libmpv, libsdl2, libsdl2_image and libsdl2_ttf are required for this to work correctly.
MIT / Apache-2.0 at your option