- Hi, are you a donee or donor? Options: Donor, Donee
- How many blankets do you need? Options: 1, 2, 3 or more
- Here's someone who is willing to offer x blankets. Options: Confirm, No thanks
- OR
- There are no donors available to help you right now. We will register you to our database and you can talk to one of our agents for help. Options: Talk to an agent, No thanks
- How many blankets can you/are willing to provide? Options: 1, 2, 3 or more
- Thank you, we will send your facebook contact to an available donee soon.
Exception handling: if someone types something instead of selecting one of the options presented, send one of our agents to live chat with him/her
Modified from the Sample Messenger App Original Coast Clothing, which is BSD licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.