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create onboarding template (#207)
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* create onboarding template

* make the requsted ui changes


Co-authored-by: Shouryan Nikam <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
shouryan01 and sntek authored Apr 5, 2024
1 parent 687c787 commit 72d01d1
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,474 additions and 3 deletions.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions apps/www/app/onboarding/page.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
"use client";

import Link from "next/link";
import { useRouter, useSearchParams } from "next/navigation";
import { AnimatePresence, motion } from "framer-motion";
import { ArrowLeft } from "lucide-react";

import { Toaster } from "@/components/ui/toaster";
import ConnectAccount from "@/components/onboarding/connect-account";
import FinancialGoals from "@/components/onboarding/financial-goals";
import Welcome from "@/components/onboarding/welcome";

export default function Intro() {
const router = useRouter();
const searchParams = useSearchParams();

const step = searchParams.get("step");

return (
<div className="dark mx-auto flex h-screen w-screen flex-col items-center justify-center overflow-x-hidden bg-zinc-950 text-white">
<Toaster />
<AnimatePresence mode="wait">
{step ? (
className="group absolute left-2 top-10 z-40 rounded-full p-2 transition-all hover:bg-zinc-400 sm:left-10"
onClick={() => router.back()}
<ArrowLeft className="h-8 w-8 text-zinc-500 group-hover:text-zinc-800 group-active:scale-90" />
) : (
<Welcome />
{step === "financial-goals" && <FinancialGoals />}
{step === "connect-accounts" && <ConnectAccount />}
{step === "done" && (
<h1 className="font-display max-w-md text-3xl font-semibold transition-colors sm:text-4xl">
<Link href="/dashboard" className="rounded-2xl">
Go to Dashboard
141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions apps/www/components/onboarding/beams.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
"use client";

import React from "react";
import { motion } from "framer-motion";

import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";

export const BackgroundBeams = React.memo(
({ className }: { className?: string }) => {
const paths = [
"M-380 -189C-380 -189 -312 216 152 343C616 470 684 875 684 875",
"M-373 -197C-373 -197 -305 208 159 335C623 462 691 867 691 867",
"M-366 -205C-366 -205 -298 200 166 327C630 454 698 859 698 859",
"M-359 -213C-359 -213 -291 192 173 319C637 446 705 851 705 851",
"M-352 -221C-352 -221 -284 184 180 311C644 438 712 843 712 843",
"M-345 -229C-345 -229 -277 176 187 303C651 430 719 835 719 835",
"M-338 -237C-338 -237 -270 168 194 295C658 422 726 827 726 827",
"M-331 -245C-331 -245 -263 160 201 287C665 414 733 819 733 819",
"M-324 -253C-324 -253 -256 152 208 279C672 406 740 811 740 811",
"M-317 -261C-317 -261 -249 144 215 271C679 398 747 803 747 803",
"M-310 -269C-310 -269 -242 136 222 263C686 390 754 795 754 795",
"M-303 -277C-303 -277 -235 128 229 255C693 382 761 787 761 787",
"M-296 -285C-296 -285 -228 120 236 247C700 374 768 779 768 779",
"M-289 -293C-289 -293 -221 112 243 239C707 366 775 771 775 771",
"M-282 -301C-282 -301 -214 104 250 231C714 358 782 763 782 763",
"M-275 -309C-275 -309 -207 96 257 223C721 350 789 755 789 755",
"M-268 -317C-268 -317 -200 88 264 215C728 342 796 747 796 747",
"M-261 -325C-261 -325 -193 80 271 207C735 334 803 739 803 739",
"M-254 -333C-254 -333 -186 72 278 199C742 326 810 731 810 731",
"M-247 -341C-247 -341 -179 64 285 191C749 318 817 723 817 723",
"M-240 -349C-240 -349 -172 56 292 183C756 310 824 715 824 715",
"M-233 -357C-233 -357 -165 48 299 175C763 302 831 707 831 707",
"M-226 -365C-226 -365 -158 40 306 167C770 294 838 699 838 699",
"M-219 -373C-219 -373 -151 32 313 159C777 286 845 691 845 691",
"M-212 -381C-212 -381 -144 24 320 151C784 278 852 683 852 683",
"M-205 -389C-205 -389 -137 16 327 143C791 270 859 675 859 675",
"M-198 -397C-198 -397 -130 8 334 135C798 262 866 667 866 667",
"M-191 -405C-191 -405 -123 0 341 127C805 254 873 659 873 659",
"M-184 -413C-184 -413 -116 -8 348 119C812 246 880 651 880 651",
"M-177 -421C-177 -421 -109 -16 355 111C819 238 887 643 887 643",
"M-170 -429C-170 -429 -102 -24 362 103C826 230 894 635 894 635",
"M-163 -437C-163 -437 -95 -32 369 95C833 222 901 627 901 627",
"M-156 -445C-156 -445 -88 -40 376 87C840 214 908 619 908 619",
"M-149 -453C-149 -453 -81 -48 383 79C847 206 915 611 915 611",
"M-142 -461C-142 -461 -74 -56 390 71C854 198 922 603 922 603",
"M-135 -469C-135 -469 -67 -64 397 63C861 190 929 595 929 595",
"M-128 -477C-128 -477 -60 -72 404 55C868 182 936 587 936 587",
"M-121 -485C-121 -485 -53 -80 411 47C875 174 943 579 943 579",
"M-114 -493C-114 -493 -46 -88 418 39C882 166 950 571 950 571",
"M-107 -501C-107 -501 -39 -96 425 31C889 158 957 563 957 563",
"M-100 -509C-100 -509 -32 -104 432 23C896 150 964 555 964 555",
"M-93 -517C-93 -517 -25 -112 439 15C903 142 971 547 971 547",
"M-86 -525C-86 -525 -18 -120 446 7C910 134 978 539 978 539",
"M-79 -533C-79 -533 -11 -128 453 -1C917 126 985 531 985 531",
"M-72 -541C-72 -541 -4 -136 460 -9C924 118 992 523 992 523",
"M-65 -549C-65 -549 3 -144 467 -17C931 110 999 515 999 515",
"M-58 -557C-58 -557 10 -152 474 -25C938 102 1006 507 1006 507",
"M-51 -565C-51 -565 17 -160 481 -33C945 94 1013 499 1013 499",
"M-44 -573C-44 -573 24 -168 488 -41C952 86 1020 491 1020 491",
"M-37 -581C-37 -581 31 -176 495 -49C959 78 1027 483 1027 483",
return (
"absolute inset-0 flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center [mask-repeat:no-repeat] [mask-size:40px]",
className=" pointer-events-none absolute z-0 h-full w-full "
viewBox="0 0 696 316"
d="M-380 -189C-380 -189 -312 216 152 343C616 470 684 875 684 875M-373 -197C-373 -197 -305 208 159 335C623 462 691 867 691 867M-366 -205C-366 -205 -298 200 166 327C630 454 698 859 698 859M-359 -213C-359 -213 -291 192 173 319C637 446 705 851 705 851M-352 -221C-352 -221 -284 184 180 311C644 438 712 843 712 843M-345 -229C-345 -229 -277 176 187 303C651 430 719 835 719 835M-338 -237C-338 -237 -270 168 194 295C658 422 726 827 726 827M-331 -245C-331 -245 -263 160 201 287C665 414 733 819 733 819M-324 -253C-324 -253 -256 152 208 279C672 406 740 811 740 811M-317 -261C-317 -261 -249 144 215 271C679 398 747 803 747 803M-310 -269C-310 -269 -242 136 222 263C686 390 754 795 754 795M-303 -277C-303 -277 -235 128 229 255C693 382 761 787 761 787M-296 -285C-296 -285 -228 120 236 247C700 374 768 779 768 779M-289 -293C-289 -293 -221 112 243 239C707 366 775 771 775 771M-282 -301C-282 -301 -214 104 250 231C714 358 782 763 782 763M-275 -309C-275 -309 -207 96 257 223C721 350 789 755 789 755M-268 -317C-268 -317 -200 88 264 215C728 342 796 747 796 747M-261 -325C-261 -325 -193 80 271 207C735 334 803 739 803 739M-254 -333C-254 -333 -186 72 278 199C742 326 810 731 810 731M-247 -341C-247 -341 -179 64 285 191C749 318 817 723 817 723M-240 -349C-240 -349 -172 56 292 183C756 310 824 715 824 715M-233 -357C-233 -357 -165 48 299 175C763 302 831 707 831 707M-226 -365C-226 -365 -158 40 306 167C770 294 838 699 838 699M-219 -373C-219 -373 -151 32 313 159C777 286 845 691 845 691M-212 -381C-212 -381 -144 24 320 151C784 278 852 683 852 683M-205 -389C-205 -389 -137 16 327 143C791 270 859 675 859 675M-198 -397C-198 -397 -130 8 334 135C798 262 866 667 866 667M-191 -405C-191 -405 -123 0 341 127C805 254 873 659 873 659M-184 -413C-184 -413 -116 -8 348 119C812 246 880 651 880 651M-177 -421C-177 -421 -109 -16 355 111C819 238 887 643 887 643M-170 -429C-170 -429 -102 -24 362 103C826 230 894 635 894 635M-163 -437C-163 -437 -95 -32 369 95C833 222 901 627 901 627M-156 -445C-156 -445 -88 -40 376 87C840 214 908 619 908 619M-149 -453C-149 -453 -81 -48 383 79C847 206 915 611 915 611M-142 -461C-142 -461 -74 -56 390 71C854 198 922 603 922 603M-135 -469C-135 -469 -67 -64 397 63C861 190 929 595 929 595M-128 -477C-128 -477 -60 -72 404 55C868 182 936 587 936 587M-121 -485C-121 -485 -53 -80 411 47C875 174 943 579 943 579M-114 -493C-114 -493 -46 -88 418 39C882 166 950 571 950 571M-107 -501C-107 -501 -39 -96 425 31C889 158 957 563 957 563M-100 -509C-100 -509 -32 -104 432 23C896 150 964 555 964 555M-93 -517C-93 -517 -25 -112 439 15C903 142 971 547 971 547M-86 -525C-86 -525 -18 -120 446 7C910 134 978 539 978 539M-79 -533C-79 -533 -11 -128 453 -1C917 126 985 531 985 531M-72 -541C-72 -541 -4 -136 460 -9C924 118 992 523 992 523M-65 -549C-65 -549 3 -144 467 -17C931 110 999 515 999 515M-58 -557C-58 -557 10 -152 474 -25C938 102 1006 507 1006 507M-51 -565C-51 -565 17 -160 481 -33C945 94 1013 499 1013 499M-44 -573C-44 -573 24 -168 488 -41C952 86 1020 491 1020 491M-37 -581C-37 -581 31 -176 495 -49C959 78 1027 483 1027 483M-30 -589C-30 -589 38 -184 502 -57C966 70 1034 475 1034 475M-23 -597C-23 -597 45 -192 509 -65C973 62 1041 467 1041 467M-16 -605C-16 -605 52 -200 516 -73C980 54 1048 459 1048 459M-9 -613C-9 -613 59 -208 523 -81C987 46 1055 451 1055 451M-2 -621C-2 -621 66 -216 530 -89C994 38 1062 443 1062 443M5 -629C5 -629 73 -224 537 -97C1001 30 1069 435 1069 435M12 -637C12 -637 80 -232 544 -105C1008 22 1076 427 1076 427M19 -645C19 -645 87 -240 551 -113C1015 14 1083 419 1083 419"

{, index) => (
key={`path-` + index}
{, index) => (
x1: ["0%", "100%"],
x2: ["0%", "95%"],
y1: ["0%", "100%"],
y2: ["0%", `${93 + Math.random() * 8}%`],
duration: Math.random() * 10 + 10,
ease: "easeInOut",
repeat: Infinity,
delay: Math.random() * 10,
<stop stopColor="#18CCFC" stopOpacity="0"></stop>
<stop stopColor="#18CCFC"></stop>
<stop offset="32.5%" stopColor="#6344F5"></stop>
<stop offset="100%" stopColor="#AE48FF" stopOpacity="0"></stop>

gradientTransform="translate(352 34) rotate(90) scale(555 1560.62)"
<stop offset="0.0666667" stopColor="var(--neutral-300)"></stop>
<stop offset="0.243243" stopColor="var(--neutral-300)"></stop>
<stop offset="0.43594" stopColor="white" stopOpacity="0"></stop>

BackgroundBeams.displayName = "BackgroundBeams";
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions apps/www/components/onboarding/connect-account.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
"use client";

import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Link from "next/link";
import { useRouter, useSearchParams } from "next/navigation";
import { motion, useMotionTemplate, useMotionValue } from "framer-motion";

import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";

import { Button } from "../ui/button";
import { STAGGER_CHILD_VARIANTS } from "./onboarding-constants";

export default function ConnectAccount() {
return (
className="z-10 mx-5 flex flex-col items-center space-y-10 text-center sm:mx-auto"
hidden: { opacity: 0, scale: 0.95 },
show: {
opacity: 1,
scale: 1,
transition: {
staggerChildren: 0.2,
transition={{ duration: 0.3, type: "spring" }}
className="flex flex-col items-center space-y-10 text-center"
<h1 className="font-display max-w-md text-3xl font-semibold transition-colors sm:text-4xl">
Connect Accounts
<h2 className="mt-4 text-sm font-light text-black dark:text-zinc-300">
Securely connect your bank accounts with Badget. Powered by{" "}
<Link href="">Plaid</Link>.
className="flex flex-row items-center space-x-5 text-center sm:space-x-10"
<SecureCard className="w-1/3" text="Connect Bank Account" />
<SecureCard className="w-1/3" text="Manually Add Account" />
<SecureCard className="w-1/3" text="Manually Add Asset" />

export const SecureCard = ({
}: {
className?: string;
text: string;
}) => {
let mouseX = useMotionValue(0);
let mouseY = useMotionValue(0);

const router = useRouter();
const searchParams = useSearchParams();

const createQueryString = useCallback(
(name: string, value: string) => {
const params = new URLSearchParams(searchParams.toString());
params.set(name, value);

return params.toString();

const [randomString, setRandomString] = useState("");

useEffect(() => {
let str = generateRandomString(1500);
}, []);

function onMouseMove({ currentTarget, clientX, clientY }: any) {
let { left, top } = currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
mouseX.set(clientX - left);
mouseY.set(clientY - top);

const str = generateRandomString(1500);

return (
"relative flex aspect-square h-full w-full items-center justify-center bg-transparent p-0.5",
className="group/card relative flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-3xl bg-transparent"
<div className="relative z-10 flex items-center justify-center">
<div className="flex h-44 w-56 items-center justify-center rounded-full text-4xl font-bold text-white">
<span className="z-20 text-black dark:text-white">
onClick={() =>
"/onboarding" + "?" + createQueryString("step", "done"),
className="h-20 w-48"

export function CardPattern({ mouseX, mouseY, randomString }: any) {
let maskImage = useMotionTemplate`radial-gradient(250px at ${mouseX}px ${mouseY}px, white, transparent)`;
let style = { maskImage, WebkitMaskImage: maskImage };

return (
<div className="pointer-events-none">
<div className="absolute inset-0 rounded-2xl [mask-image:linear-gradient(white,transparent)] group-hover/card:opacity-50"></div>
className="absolute inset-0 rounded-2xl bg-gradient-to-r from-green-500 to-blue-700 opacity-0 backdrop-blur-xl transition duration-500 group-hover/card:opacity-100"
className="absolute inset-0 rounded-2xl opacity-0 mix-blend-overlay group-hover/card:opacity-100"
<p className="absolute inset-x-0 h-full whitespace-pre-wrap break-words font-mono text-xs font-bold text-white transition duration-500">

const characters =
export const generateRandomString = (length: number) => {
let result = "";
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length));
return result;

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