One simple interface $.WebSocket(url, protocol, options); thats it. The same interface as current native WebSocket implementation. The same native events (onopen, onmessage, onerror, onclose) + custom event onsend.
But jquery.WebSockets adds some nice features:
[x] Multiplexing - Use a single socket connection and as many logical pipes within as your browser supports. All these pipes are emulated WebSockets also with the same API + same events! Use each pipe as WebSocket! But this requires you to implement the protocol on this level of communication The data is en- + decoded in a special way to make multiplexing possible
[x] Interface for adding protocol to manipulate data before they are send and right after they arrive before event onmessage is fired!
// The WebSocket-Object (with resource + fallback)
var ws = $.WebSocket ('ws://', null, {http: ''});
// WebSocket onerror event triggered also in fallback
ws.onerror = function (e) {
console.log ('Error with WebSocket uid: ' +;
* demonstrate multiplexing
var pipe1;
// if connection is opened => start opening a pipe (multiplexing)
ws.onopen = function () {
pipe1 = ws.registerPipe ('user/all', null, {
onopen: function () {
console.log ('pipe1 (' + this.uid + ') connected!');
onmessage: function (e) {
console.log ('< pipe1 : ' +;
onerror: function (e) {
console.log ('< pipe1 error : ' +;
onclose: function () {
console.log ('pipe1 (' + pipe.uid + ') connection closed!');
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