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Merge pull request #1041 from Concordium/lmdb-accountmap
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New account map
  • Loading branch information
MilkywayPirate authored Nov 13, 2023
2 parents 1c2abd2 + 8e33fc8 commit 613a5ab
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Showing 58 changed files with 2,299 additions and 619 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Changelog

## Unreleased changes
- The account map is now kept solely on disk in a separate lmdb database and it is no longer part of the internal block state database.
This change results in less memory usage per account and a decrease in the growth of the database.

- Remove V1 GRPC API from the node. This removes configuration options
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions concordium-consensus/src/Concordium/External.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -265,6 +265,7 @@ toStartResult =
GenesisBlockIncorrect _ -> 9
DatabaseInvariantViolation _ -> 10
IncorrectDatabaseVersion _ -> 11
AccountMapPermissionError -> 12

-- | Catch exceptions which may occur at start up and return an appropriate exit code.
handleStartExceptions :: LogMethod IO -> IO StartResult -> IO Int64
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40 changes: 26 additions & 14 deletions concordium-consensus/src/Concordium/GlobalState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader hiding (ask)
import Data.Proxy

import Concordium.GlobalState.AccountMap.LMDB as LMDBAccountMap
import Concordium.GlobalState.BlockState
import Concordium.GlobalState.Parameters
import Concordium.GlobalState.Persistent.Account (newAccountCache)
Expand All @@ -29,9 +30,14 @@ import Concordium.Types.ProtocolVersion
-- | Configuration that uses the disk implementation for both the tree state
-- and the block state
data GlobalStateConfig = GlobalStateConfig
{ dtdbRuntimeParameters :: !RuntimeParameters,
{ -- | Runtime parameters.
dtdbRuntimeParameters :: !RuntimeParameters,
-- | Path to the tree state database.
dtdbTreeStateDirectory :: !FilePath,
dtdbBlockStateFile :: !FilePath
-- | Path to the block state database.
dtdbBlockStateFile :: !FilePath,
-- | Path to the account map database.
dtdAccountMapDirectory :: !FilePath

-- | Exceptions that can occur when initialising the global state.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,21 +71,33 @@ type GSState pv = SkovPersistentData pv
initialiseExistingGlobalState :: forall pv. (IsProtocolVersion pv) => SProtocolVersion pv -> GlobalStateConfig -> LogIO (Maybe (GSContext pv, GSState pv))
initialiseExistingGlobalState _ GlobalStateConfig{..} = do
-- check if all the necessary database files exist
existingDB <- checkExistingDatabase dtdbTreeStateDirectory dtdbBlockStateFile
existingDB <- checkExistingDatabase dtdbTreeStateDirectory dtdbBlockStateFile dtdAccountMapDirectory
if existingDB
then do
logm <- ask
liftIO $ do
pbscAccountCache <- newAccountCache (rpAccountsCacheSize dtdbRuntimeParameters)
pbscModuleCache <- Modules.newModuleCache (rpModulesCacheSize dtdbRuntimeParameters)
pbscBlobStore <- loadBlobStore dtdbBlockStateFile
pbscAccountMap <- liftIO $ LMDBAccountMap.openDatabase dtdAccountMapDirectory
let pbsc = PersistentBlockStateContext{..}
skovData <-
runLoggerT (loadSkovPersistentData dtdbRuntimeParameters dtdbTreeStateDirectory pbsc) logm
`onException` closeBlobStore pbscBlobStore
return (Just (pbsc, skovData))
else return Nothing

-- | Initialize a 'PersistentBlockStateContext' via the provided
-- 'GlobalStateConfig'.
-- This function attempts to create a new blob store.
initializePersistentBlockStateContext :: GlobalStateConfig -> IO (PersistentBlockStateContext pv)
initializePersistentBlockStateContext GlobalStateConfig{..} = do
pbscBlobStore <- createBlobStore dtdbBlockStateFile
pbscAccountCache <- newAccountCache (rpAccountsCacheSize dtdbRuntimeParameters)
pbscModuleCache <- Modules.newModuleCache (rpModulesCacheSize dtdbRuntimeParameters)
pbscAccountMap <- LMDBAccountMap.openDatabase dtdAccountMapDirectory
return PersistentBlockStateContext{..}

-- | Migrate an existing global state. This is only intended to be used on a
-- protocol update and requires that the initial state for the new protocol
-- version is prepared (see @TreeState.storeFinalState@). This function will
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,11 +127,8 @@ migrateExistingState ::
Regenesis pv ->
-- | The return value is the context and state for the new chain.
LogIO (GSContext pv, GSState pv)
migrateExistingState GlobalStateConfig{..} oldPbsc oldState migration genData = do
pbscBlobStore <- liftIO $ createBlobStore dtdbBlockStateFile
pbscAccountCache <- liftIO $ newAccountCache (rpAccountsCacheSize dtdbRuntimeParameters)
pbscModuleCache <- liftIO $ Modules.newModuleCache (rpModulesCacheSize dtdbRuntimeParameters)
let pbsc = PersistentBlockStateContext{..}
migrateExistingState gsc@GlobalStateConfig{..} oldPbsc oldState migration genData = do
pbsc <- liftIO $ initializePersistentBlockStateContext gsc
newInitialBlockState <- flip runBlobStoreT oldPbsc . flip runBlobStoreT pbsc $ do
case _nextGenesisInitialState oldState of
Nothing -> error "Precondition violation. Migration called in state without initial block state."
Expand All @@ -132,18 +147,15 @@ migrateExistingState GlobalStateConfig{..} oldPbsc oldState migration genData =
(Just (_pendingTransactions oldState))
isd <-
runReaderT (runPersistentBlockStateMonad initGS) pbsc
`onException` liftIO (destroyBlobStore pbscBlobStore)
`onException` liftIO (destroyBlobStore (pbscBlobStore pbsc))
return (pbsc, isd)

-- | Initialise new global state with the given genesis. If the state already
-- exists this will raise an exception. It is not necessary to call 'activateGlobalState'
-- on the generated state, as this will establish the necessary invariants.
initialiseNewGlobalState :: (IsProtocolVersion pv, IsConsensusV0 pv) => GenesisData pv -> GlobalStateConfig -> LogIO (GSContext pv, GSState pv)
initialiseNewGlobalState genData GlobalStateConfig{..} = do
pbscBlobStore <- liftIO $ createBlobStore dtdbBlockStateFile
pbscAccountCache <- liftIO $ newAccountCache (rpAccountsCacheSize dtdbRuntimeParameters)
pbscModuleCache <- liftIO $ Modules.newModuleCache (rpModulesCacheSize dtdbRuntimeParameters)
let pbsc = PersistentBlockStateContext{..}
initialiseNewGlobalState genData gsc@GlobalStateConfig{..} = do
pbsc@PersistentBlockStateContext{..} <- liftIO $ initializePersistentBlockStateContext gsc
let initGS = do
logEvent GlobalState LLTrace "Creating persistent global state"
result <- genesisState genData
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

-- | The 'DifferenceMap' stores accounts that have been created in a non-finalized block.
-- When a block is finalized then the associated 'DifferenceMap' must be written
-- to disk via 'Concordium.GlobalState.AccountMap.LMDB.insertAccounts'.
module Concordium.GlobalState.AccountMap.DifferenceMap (
-- * Definitions

-- The difference map definition.
DifferenceMap (..),
-- A mutable reference to a 'DifferenceMap'.

-- * Auxiliary functions
) where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.IORef
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)

import Concordium.Types
import Concordium.Types.Option (Option (..))

-- | A mutable reference to a 'DiffMap.DifferenceMap'.
-- This is an 'IORef' since the parent map may belong
-- to multiple blocks if they have not yet been persisted.
-- The 'IORef' enables us to clear any child difference maps
-- when a block is finalized.
type DifferenceMapReference = IORef (Option DifferenceMap)

-- | Create a new empty reference.
newEmptyReference :: (MonadIO m) => m DifferenceMapReference
newEmptyReference = liftIO $ newIORef Absent

-- | A difference map that indicates newly added accounts for
-- a block identified by a 'BlockHash' and its associated 'BlockHeight'.
-- The difference map only contains accounts that were added since the '_dmParentMapRef'.
data DifferenceMap = DifferenceMap
{ -- | Accounts added in a block keyed by their equivalence class and
-- the @AccountIndex@ and canonical account adddress as values.
dmAccounts :: !(HM.HashMap AccountAddressEq (AccountIndex, AccountAddress)),
-- | Parent map of non-finalized blocks.
-- In other words, if the parent block is finalized,
-- then the parent map is @Absent@ as the LMDB account map
-- should be consulted instead.
dmParentMapRef :: !DifferenceMapReference
deriving (Eq)

-- | Gather all accounts from the provided 'DifferenceMap' and its parent maps.
-- Accounts are returned in ascending order of their 'AccountAddress'.
-- Note. This function does not guarantee the order of the returned pairs.
flatten :: (MonadIO m) => DifferenceMap -> m [(AccountAddress, AccountIndex)]
flatten dmap = go dmap []
go diffMap !accum = do
mParentMap <- liftIO $ readIORef (dmParentMapRef diffMap)
case mParentMap of
Absent -> return collectedAccounts
Present parentMap -> go parentMap collectedAccounts
collectedAccounts = map swap (HM.elems $ dmAccounts diffMap) <> accum

-- | Create a new empty 'DifferenceMap' potentially based on the difference map of
-- the parent.
empty :: DifferenceMapReference -> DifferenceMap
empty mParentDifferenceMap =
{ dmAccounts = HM.empty,
dmParentMapRef = mParentDifferenceMap

-- | Internal helper function for looking up an entry in @dmAccounts@.
-- Returns @Right AccountIndex AccountAddress Word64@ if the account could be looked up,
-- and otherwise @Left Word64@, where the number indicates how many accounts are present in the difference map
-- and potentially any parent difference maps.
lookupViaEquivalenceClass' :: (MonadIO m) => AccountAddressEq -> DifferenceMap -> m (Either Int (AccountIndex, AccountAddress))
lookupViaEquivalenceClass' addr = check 0
check !accum diffMap = case HM.lookup addr (dmAccounts diffMap) of
Nothing -> do
mParentMap <- liftIO $ readIORef (dmParentMapRef diffMap)
let !accum' = accum + HM.size (dmAccounts diffMap)
case mParentMap of
Absent -> return $ Left accum'
Present parentMap -> check accum' parentMap
Just res -> return $ Right res

-- | Lookup an account in the difference map or any of the parent
-- difference maps using the account address equivalence class.
-- Returns @Just AccountIndex@ if the account is present and
-- otherwise @Left Word64@ indicating how many accounts there are present in the
-- difference map(s).
-- Precondition: As this implementation uses the 'AccountAddressEq' equivalence
-- class for looking up an 'AccountIndex', then it MUST only be used
-- when account aliases are supported.
lookupViaEquivalenceClass :: (MonadIO m) => AccountAddressEq -> DifferenceMap -> m (Either Int AccountIndex)
lookupViaEquivalenceClass addr dm = fmap fst <$> lookupViaEquivalenceClass' addr dm

-- | Lookup an account in the difference map or any of the parent
-- difference maps via an exactness check.
-- Returns @Just AccountIndex@ if the account is present and
-- otherwise @Left Word64@ indicating how many accounts there are present in the
-- difference map(s).
-- Note that this function also returns @Nothing@ if the provided 'AccountAddress'
-- is an alias but not the canonical address.
lookupExact :: (MonadIO m) => AccountAddress -> DifferenceMap -> m (Either Int AccountIndex)
lookupExact addr diffMap =
lookupViaEquivalenceClass' (accountAddressEmbed addr) diffMap >>= \case
Left noAccounts -> return $ Left noAccounts
Right (accIdx, actualAddr) ->
if actualAddr == addr
then return $ Right accIdx
else do
-- This extra flatten is really not ideal, but it should also really never happen,
-- hence the extra flatten here justifies the simpler implementation and optimization
-- towards the normal use case.
size <- length <$> flatten diffMap
return $ Left size

-- | Insert an account into the difference map.
-- Note that it is up to the caller to ensure only the canonical 'AccountAddress' is inserted.
insert :: AccountAddress -> AccountIndex -> DifferenceMap -> DifferenceMap
insert addr accIndex m = m{dmAccounts = HM.insert (accountAddressEmbed addr) (accIndex, addr) $ dmAccounts m}

-- | Create a 'DifferenceMap' with the provided parent and list of account addresses and account indices.
fromList :: IORef (Option DifferenceMap) -> [(AccountAddress, AccountIndex)] -> DifferenceMap
fromList parentRef listOfAccountsAndIndices =
{ dmAccounts = HM.fromList $ map mkKeyVal listOfAccountsAndIndices,
dmParentMapRef = parentRef
-- Make a key value pair to put in the @dmAccounts@.
mkKeyVal (accAddr, accIdx) = (accountAddressEmbed accAddr, (accIdx, accAddr))

-- | Clear the reference to the parent difference map (if any).
-- Note that if there is a parent map then this function clears the remaining parent references
-- recursively.
clearReferences :: (MonadIO m) => DifferenceMap -> m ()
clearReferences DifferenceMap{..} = do
oParentDiffMap <- liftIO $ readIORef dmParentMapRef
case oParentDiffMap of
Absent -> return ()
Present diffMap -> do
-- Clear this parent reference.
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef dmParentMapRef Absent
-- Continue and check if the parent should have cleared it parent(s).
clearReferences diffMap

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