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Deliverable 1

Past due by 9 months 69% complete

Deliverable 1: Upades to the current plugin

Basic name changes for “implementation model” and other new terms in plugin
Incorporate Sieve function after implementation models created
Incorporate a mask out option for PAs or various land tenure
Allow users to define financial inputs for each implementation model. User-defined inputs must include Inflation …

Deliverable 1: Upades to the current plugin

Basic name changes for “implementation model” and other new terms in plugin
Incorporate Sieve function after implementation models created
Incorporate a mask out option for PAs or various land tenure
Allow users to define financial inputs for each implementation model. User-defined inputs must include Inflation Rate, Implementation Cost/hectare/year, hectares treated/year, Number of years.
Start with not spatially variable
Incorporate spatially variable
Modify report to add text entry field:
List of stakeholders and relationships (text input by user)
Cultural considerations and policies or guiding principles for the area of interest (text input by user)
Users define option for which layers they want produced
Tracking scenario inputs/outputs - a log of tool sessions (by run)
Run locally
Save the scenario details and state so the user can reselect them later and use them for analysis
Useful for user validation for different PWLs
Ability to provide these area reports for overlapping scenarios
All input parameters along with output settings
Any important INFO/DEBUG logs that may help investigate issues
Help get to the point where we can compare scenario outputs spatially in the tool
Basic data validation (resolution, data types, projection, NoData check)
Client and server side
Increase efficiency in local processing in QGIS
Track usage/metrics/performance to determine where it can be enhanced
