A simple shell-frontend designed to run on top of the Bourne-Again SHell (Bash) Shell Scripting Interpreter. Fork of https://github.com/Icycoide/shellception
1. Download it
2. Make sure you have bash installed.
3. Open the terminal and navigate to the folder "shellception"
4. In the directory, run the command chmod +x ./main.sh
5. Then, just run ./main.sh
or . main.sh
or bash main.sh
however you open shell scripts.
Edit: There is now an installer in Releases.
There is no installer. You just run the .sh file in Releases.
There are now FluxT3rm-specific commands.
brings you to your shellception shell script where you can run multiple commands at once or in the same order.
brings you to your shellception shell script without overwriting the contents
runs the shell script.
These commands might be replaced in the future.