Countly Version 23.11.15
released this
25 Mar 18:53
2095 commits
to master
since this release
- [views] Updated views processing logic to prevent data mismatch in cases where there are multiple records in same request decribing same view event
- [core] Script to attempt issues with users having uid as null
- [core] Fixed TypeError currEvent.key.indexOf is not a function
- [core] Script to reset merge count in app_users documents
- [views] job catch error
- [jobs] log error instead of crashing
- [core] Added code to ensure uid and did in app_users documents in case of deletion/merging inconsistencies
- [core] Updates for event omitting script
- [core] Updates for diagnostic script
- [core] Additions to diagnostic scripts
- [core] Script to check user mismatch between app users and drill collections
Enterprise Fixes:
- [license] Update metrics check timestamp after the metrics are fetched
- [license] Fix for license metrics calculations
- [cohorts] Fix return type in getNames to return all cohorts
- [ab-testing] Skip calculation of ab-tests on listing page
- [config-transfer] List drill reports in config transfer
- [views] Added tests in drill module for cases with multiple events in same request for same view
- [flows] add systemlogs records for flows operations
- [data-manager] Fix query run in data manager on setting configs
- [block] Add check for valid rule in blocks