Latest Version: v.1.0
The KeyGeneratorAPI is a API developed by BlueLight for generating and scanning Keys. You can use these Keys to verify Beta-Users. We do not recommend to use this key's as security feature or for paid licenses.
Release-Site -> Latest Version -> Assets -> KeyGeneratorAPI.jar
To download the API go to the Release-Site and select the latest version. Go to the "Assets" Folder and download the KeyGerneratorAPI.jar.
First you have to create a KeyPatternKeyPattern keyPattern = new KeyPattern("");
For test purposes you can use the KeyPattern.getDefault();
function, wich generates a KeyPattern with following parameters:
- key_pattern -> "aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa"
- security_number -> '7'
- ascii_code -> 1648
- alphabet_pattern -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYL0123456789"
A generated Key with the default parameters would look like this: Qr8K-VT7Y-nPo2-o7m7-IHtB
To generate a Key you have to create a instance of the KeyGenerator class. The Generator needs a pattern to generate a Key so we set one. The last step is to call the generate method.
KeyGenerator keyGenerator = new KeyGenerator();
String key = keyGenerator.generate();
To check if a key is valid you can use the KeyScanner class. First create an instance of the KeyScanner class, then set a pattern to scan. To actually check if a Key is valid you can use the KeyPattern.isValid();
KeyScanner keyScanner = new KeyScanner();
//Do something...