A command line interface for Google Docs/Drive/Sheets.
- Open Google Docs/Drive/Sheets in your browser.
- Open a Google Docs/Drive/Sheets file in your browser.
- Download Google Docs/Drive/Sheets files to your current directory.
- Upload a file to Google Docs/Drive/Sheets.
- Open a local copy of a Google Docs file in your favorite command line editor.
pip install docCLI
if python3 is your only installation.
python3 -m pip install docCLI
if you have multiple installations
Download this repo and run the setup.py
Python 3.x (including 3.7a) supported
All scripts contain a help option. Use [SCRIPT] --help
to access it. The
base commands are docs
and sheets
to open the Google Docs page.docs [FILENAME]
to open (in your web browser) a Google Docs file that is in your drive.docs [FILENAME] -d
to download the Document from your Google Drive.docs [FILENAME] -e [EDITOR]
downloads then opens the local copy in the editor provided. Defaults to the EDITOR env variable and if that is not found it defaults to vim.
to open your Google Drive page.drive [FILENAME]
to open a file in your Google Drive.drive [FILENAME] -d
to download the file specified to your current directory.drive -u [FILENAME]
to upload a file from your directory to Google Drive.
to open the Google Sheets page.sheets [FILENAME]
to open a spreadsheet in your web browser.sheets [FILENAME] -d --ext [EXTENSION]
to download the spreadsheet. --ext specifies the extension defaults to .csv
- python2.7 compatibility
- Improve developer documentation with more details
- Increase unit test coverage
- Implement updating of files after editing locally
- Callback to handle a file from drive after its been downloaded. e.g. playing a .mp3 after it has been downloaded
If you want to generate the documentation yourself install sphinx and run
make html
in the docs directory.