This Python script is used to generate the data for the Low Alt Cologne website.
The process comprises the steps described below.
Sources of data other than OSN may be used, as long as the data format is preserved.
The script includes uploading the results to a MySQL server.
requirements.txt lists required packages for all scripts (clean-up needed since more than the packages strictly necessary is included).
- Functionnal Trino connection
User has to enter the appropriate start and end dates for querying the OSN database.
The script connects to the Trino server, and queries data from 3 tables for the date corresponding to 2 days in the past. All results are merged in a single dataframe.
Results are saved as pickles.
We now use a DEM obtained from processed LiDAR Airborne Surveys (LAS), available openly.
The ground elevation at each point is simply read from the DEM GeoTIFF.
Population density is read and added from a Copernicus GeoTIFF. It will be used to approximate whether the aircraft position is in a congested area or not.
Aircraft data is split into flights, and cumulative along-track distance information added (first point corresponds to distance = 0).
Obstacle data is loaded. Obstacles are determined from processing of LAS data, which is more accurate than the AIP provided data. This way, we can also consider all obstacles from 60 m of height.
For each trajectory point, the highest obstacle within an alerting perimeter defined in the rules of the air is determined. We then determine the minimum height allowable at that point, depending on whether the area is congested or not.
Finally, for all points, we determine a "dip", i.e. the difference between the minimum height and the actual aircraft height.
This diagram illustrates the various heights and and position parameters used:
We find all "events" (possible infractions), for both obstacles and ground clearance. Separate dataframes are created for easier processing.
Results are added to a MySQL database, for use by the web application.
Known limitations:
- Some flights are split and appear as distinct flights in the data (distinct 'ref' identifiers), although the time difference does not exceed the detection threshold.
- Obstacles are considered punctual, their horizontal extent is not taken into account.