This tool extracts rectangular image patches from a given proxy geometry (rectangular patches that correspond to walls) and panoramic photographs of a scene. It automatically combines the data from several scans / panoramic images.
See also the accompanying paper "Automatic Texture and Orthophoto Generation from registered panoramic views" (note that this paper was written for version 0.7.0)
Updates for version 0.9.0 include that the system now combines the information from several scans / panoramic images. It parses the room network given from the IFC reconstruction and fits an oriented bounding box for each room in order to automatically assign scanner positions to rooms.
Updates for version 0.10.1 include a better fusion for datasets consisting of several scans: the color projection for each patch now detects if a scan is occluded by the input geometry (e.g. a wall), so that color gets only projected on patches that are visible from that scan. This version also adds a new input format, as the e57 metadata json format is not as easily accessible. A tool that extracts the pose information from an .e57 file is included in the "src/e57" subfolder. The panoramic images are supposed to be named after the corresponding scan "name" tag in the config (+.jpg).
In Version 0.7.0 and 0.9.0, the software also may align a manually taken image to the registered image from the faro scanner. The tool expects all panoramic images to be in an folder, where each image is named according to the scan id in the e57 metadata: for each scan id "scan_id", the system tries to find an image named "scan_id"_aligned.jpg that contains the aligned manual acquired panoramic image of the scan. If the image is not found, the system tries to load the images "scan_id"_Manual.jpg and "scan_id"_Faro.jpg and tries to automatically align the manual (high resolution) image to the faro image using the panoalign tool. If "scan_id"_Manual.jpg is not found, the system uses the "scan_id"_Faro.jpg for projection as a last resort. If absolutely no panoramic image can be found, the scan is ignored.
The tool is written in C++ with dependencies on the following libraries:
- boost [program options, file system]
- eigen
- RapidJSON (* libe57 for standalone pose extraction tool)
CMake is used as build system.
The tool is a simple commandline application. It requires the following input mandatory input.
- a JSON file that contains the e57 metadata information from pointcloud scans
- a JSON file that contains the wall/room meta information from the IFC reconstruction
- a path to the panoramic images
As input configuration, the pose information for each scan is needed. The format is similar to the pose information found in .e57 point cloud files, each pose consists of a 3D position, a rotation (quaternion), and the elevation and azimuth bounds of the scan.
Example config:
OrthoGen orthographic image generator 0.10.3
developed by Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
--help for options.
commandline options:
--help show this help message
--e57metadata arg e57 metadata json [.json] MANDATORY(A)
--configjson arg json file with pose information MANDATORY(C)
--geometry arg input geometry [.obj] (relative to config)
--align arg align executable
--wnddist arg distance clustering window size [0.1]
--wndnorm arg normal clustering window size [0.3]
--exgeom arg export textured geometry as .obj [0]/1
--exortho arg export textured geometry as .obj 0/[1]
--exsphere arg export textured panoramic sphere as .obj [0]/1
--exquad arg export textured panoramic sphere as .obj [0]/1
--exroombb arg export room bounding boxes as .obj [0]/1
--excluster arg export triangle clusters as .obj [0]/1
--output arg output filename [.jpg] will be appended
--panopath arg path to pano images
--resolution arg resolution [mm/pixel]
--scan arg if specified, only this scan will be considered
--scanoffset arg scan translation offset
--geometryoffset arg geometry translation offset
--verbose arg print out verbose messages
--sphereradius arg exported panoramic sphere radius [1.0]
use either --e57metadata for the DURAARK e57 metadata json format, or --configjson to use the JSON format as described in Config above.
Example usage
orthogen --configjson scan.json --geometry proxygeometry.obj --resolution 1 --wnddist 0.1 --exquad 1 --exortho 1 --exsphere 1