BOLTS is an Open Library for Technical Specifications.
This repository contains all the tools and data that are required to build the different distributions and the website. You only need to get the content of this repository if you want to contribute content to BOLTS or want to develop the tools that are used to manage it.
If you just want to use BOLTS, then you should get the BOLTS distribution for the CAD tool of your choice from the download section of the webpage instead. Instructions on how to use the distributions can be found in the documentation section.
The webpage contains a lot of general infos, an overview over the specifications of all parts contained in BOLTS and quite a bit of documentation. So if you have more questions, the chances to find answers on the webpage
are much higher than to find them here.
You should check out the documentation on the webpage for more informations on how to get and use BOLTS.
To use BOLTS for OpenSCAD
- OpenSCAD (
is required.
To use BOLTS for FreeCAD
- FreeCAD (
- python 2.6 or 2.7
- pyyaml (
- importlib ( (only for python 2.6)
is required.
The git version of BOLTS uses submodules, so after cloning, you will need to run
git submodule init git submodule update
to get the correct states for the submodules. For more informations about submodules, see
In any case you should have
- git
- python 2.7
- pyyaml (
Depending on the target system you want to develop for additional dependencies are required.
For BOLTS for OpenSCAD:
- OpenSCAD (
For BOLTS for FreeCAD
- FreeCAD (
- PyQt4
For BOLTS for SolidWorks
- python-xlwt (
To generate the HTML pages for the webpage
- Graphviz dot (
- Jekyll (
To run the utility script (for development)
- python 2.7 (because of argparse)
- pyyaml (